Calling all Australians

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Who else using this site is from Australia? I'd love to know what info you may have and if you have one or have considered home monitoring, and if your health insurance has helped you?
Anna (abbanabba) is down that a'way and we have had others from your area, but I can't recall names (pumphead, you know) just now, but some others might remember. Then you could private mail them to ask questions if they are not regular posters anymore.
Hi there,

Hensylee's right.... there's a few of us here, albeit few and far between. Stormrev & Surfsparky are two other Aussies I know of here who are both based in Melbourne. I'm heading that general direction myself next week (Stawell, VIC) which is why I've not been on the board for a while (..aaarrggh! Talk about a lot to do!!..).

I don't recall seeing you here before, although it looks like you've been lurking about for a while ;) Feel free to drop me an email: [email protected] with any questions you've got. It might take me a while to get back to you with everything going on, but I'm the consumate chatterbox and would relish the chance to compare notes.

Cheers for now
Anna : )
Hi Steve and Donna,
We're Aussies too...good to meet some other "valvers" from down under. We can't help on the home monitoring advice as Chris is not on warfarin as he had the Ross Procedure, but feel free to post any other questions.
Chris and Yolanda
Another 'Aussie'?

Another 'Aussie'?

Hi there

I 'lurk' as "stormrev" but have to confess I'm a Kiwi living here in Melbourne these past eight years. I know there is at least one other 'valver' here in Melbourne I have corresponded with and my brother Graeme (also a Ross Procedure man) living in Perth.

Kind regards

liamty said:
Who else using this site is from Australia? I'd love to know what info you may have and if you have one or have considered home monitoring, and if your health insurance has helped you?
Hi guys

This is my first posting and coincidentally was just searching the forums to see how many Aussies were floating around. My surgery was 17/11/2004 and since then Ive tried to get some info regarding self testing INR appliances. It seems in this neck of the woods (Perth) that there is no consistency between medical types with some saying it is good / accurate and others debunking the precision and accuracy of the self testers. In any event our illustrious health insurers dont appear to be overly forthcoming with respect to providing a rebate for the machines and associated consumeables. However if we all continually harrass them and our doctors this situation may change.

BTW I wish I had known about this site prior to the surgery as the information contained herein is absolutely fantastic and fills in a lot of the gaps that the professionals seem to take for granted. When I first perused the forums as a guest I couldn't stop nodding my head and laughing because the questions I wanted asked / answered had all been posted before.(ie: especially about sneezing and someone saying whatever you do dont sneeze!!!)

Anyway since the operation life has been magic!!! Well I have a life back as opposed to being limited to walking limited distances very slowly. I am now back into cycling and 14 weeks from my AVR I have clocked up about 1300km (mainly to and from work - via the scenic route!) to date with a goal of 3500km by anniversary date (assuming a slow down in winter) and 5000 km by year end.

Anyway a general thank you to you all for all your accumualted knowledge that I and my wife have benefited from and I hope that I can help others in a similar way by becoming an active member.

With regards to the ticking .... my little valve (27mm St Jude) is pretty loud. I have to turn to one side in bed to stop from keeping the missus awake!!! I dont know how many people reckon I have a loud watch but you have to look at it optimistically and my outlook on it is this - if you can hear it ticking you know its doing what its supposed to and that it is not developing any deposits so its also working efficiently. Besides taking your pulse is a breeze now!




Welcome to As you have already stated, there is just an amazing volume of information, fun, help, venting and anything else a valver might need. I, too, wish I had found this site before my last surgery but it also a site that helps the day to day issues of having had VR.
Since there seems to be more and more Aussies here, maybe we should charter a plane to bring you all here for the reunion - LOL :D:D:D (kidding - would that we all had so much money).
Anyway hope to hear more from you.
Take care.
Welcome to VR, Russell - a good place to be, isn't it? Guess you experienced the evil sneeze. First time it happened to me, I thought heaven had opened its doors to receive me, but in truth it felt more like the other place at the time. We try to tell those going for surgery to watch out for the truck and don't sneeze. These are two basic instructions that we want everybody to have prior to their 'special' day.

We are glad to have you. Hang around and stay for the party - and the occasional sob fests, too.

geebee said:
Welcome to As you have already stated, there is just an amazing volume of information, fun, help, venting and anything else a valver might need. I, too, wish I had found this site before my last surgery but it also a site that helps the day to day issues of having had VR.
Since there seems to be more and more Aussies here, maybe we should charter a plane to bring you all here for the reunion - LOL :D:D:D (kidding - would that we all had so much money).
Anyway hope to hear more from you.
Take care.


The plane trip sounds good - Im sure there is a specialist in America all us Aussies REALLY need to see and then maybe we could convince our insurers they need to rebate us!?! :p

Anyway its great to now be a part of this extended family.
hensylee said:
Welcome to VR, Russell - a good place to be, isn't it? Guess you experienced the evil sneeze. First time it happened to me, I thought heaven had opened its doors to receive me, but in truth it felt more like the other place at the time. We try to tell those going for surgery to watch out for the truck and don't sneeze. These are two basic instructions that we want everybody to have prior to their 'special' day.

We are glad to have you. Hang around and stay for the party - and the occasional sob fests, too.



Whilst the sneezing was far and away not on the top of the list of things to do I'd have to admit pulling the tape off after a couple of weeks wasnt the most pleasant experience I'd had either - and I havent even got a very hairy chest! :D

Hi all,

My name is Alan. I live in Brisbane. Bicuspid aortic valve, going for an echo every 6 months. I?ll have to do surgery in the next 5 years. Nice to have some people from Australia on this site. We could compare notes on local doctors and available valves.

alan_delac said:
Hi all,

My name is Alan. I live in Brisbane. Bicuspid aortic valve, going for an echo every 6 months. I?ll have to do surgery in the next 5 years. Nice to have some people from Australia on this site. We could compare notes on local doctors and available valves.


G'Day Alan

You at least have a great advantage by having found this site prior to your potential surgery - the knowledge base here from all the members is second to none.

I guess everyone likes to think they have the best valve - be it biological or mechanical. Each situation is different based on the persons lifestyle, medical history and their expectations. The surgeons preference also seems to factor in to varying degrees.

From all the posts on this site most people seem to have an improved life - albeit just being somewhat more aware of what they do / eat / drink. The vast majority of western civilisations wouldn't go far wrong by following suit!

My choice was for the St Jude Mechanical - principally driven by the longevity versus the potential for a second bite of the cherry in 15 years time. Either way if you wake up breathing and ticking thats GOT to be a good thing :D

Use the web, this site and go ask questions of your cardio / surgeon with some education under your belt and you can speak with them not have them speak at you.

Good Luck :)

Still Here

Still Here

Hi folks

Glad to see more aussies on the site now. I think I was the first member of from here when I went through my learning experience and operation 4 years ago. At the time, I found the site fantastic and it in no small way steered me through the decision-making process.

Now, 4 years on, I on't tend the visit the site much anymore, but recently I became re-activated by the call for financial support for the site. I worked out that if only 40 of us "valvies" (and there are many more active members) donated only US$30 each, then the site will have reached its target. So, if you feel like me and marvel at the wealth of knowledge this site provides, then I certainly recommend we all make a donation.

Anyway, back to me - I live in Perth and had my op in Brisbane. After the op I wrote a journal which has provided a wealth of information for those about to embark on the same journey as me. Like many of us, I became a lay "expert" on the topic of valve replacement and I wanted to keep all my new-found knowledge intact to share with others as needed.

Anyway, once we get enough of us together, we probably need an Australian reunion which, I am sure, would be pleased to support and even help organsie for us.

regards to all

G'day, Mate,
I am a Swiss/Aussi and had my aortic valve on the 16.11.04 replaced. I live close to Hobart.
I also look into home monitoring. I am pretty sure Medicare does not pay for a machine or the strips. However i am looking to the private healthfunds, ancillary cover to see if they would pay for the strips. If they will pay it might be worthwhile to sign up. I am lucky my GP bulk bills and i am not out of pocket. I am still get tested every week as my INR is all over the place. Unfortunatly they have to draw blood from my veins and send it to the lap. I am defenetly buy myself a machine as soon as i have the money saved up and made my choice between InRatio and Coagueck. I also look at many option where to aquire the machine as i might get one cheaper overseas.
By for now
Eowyn Rose
Eowyn Rose said:
G'day, Mate,
I am a Swiss/Aussi and had my aortic valve on the 16.11.04 replaced. I live close to Hobart.
I also look into home monitoring. I am pretty sure Medicare does not pay for a machine or the strips. However i am looking to the private healthfunds, ancillary cover to see if they would pay for the strips. If they will pay it might be worthwhile to sign up. I am lucky my GP bulk bills and i am not out of pocket. I am still get tested every week as my INR is all over the place. Unfortunatly they have to draw blood from my veins and send it to the lap. I am defenetly buy myself a machine as soon as i have the money saved up and made my choice between InRatio and Coagueck. I also look at many option where to aquire the machine as i might get one cheaper overseas.
By for now
Eowyn Rose

GDay guys

From my research I have found that the Coagucheck S Prices are as per below;

Machine / power supply / batteries / manual / Softclix lancet device / Softclix lancets and carry case $Aus 1200 plus GST
Coagucheck PT Mini Test Strips (Pack 12) - $Aus 82.65 (GST Exempt)
Coagucheck PT Mini Test Strips (pack 48) - $Aus 270.00
Coagucheck PT Control (pack 4) - Aus 42.00 plus GST

This represents a test price of appox $Aus 6.00

I guess 6 gold coins can be as little or as much as your personal situation makes it... although Medicare covers the cost where I get tested you can also sit in the waiting room for the phlebotomist (now theres a trivia question for you ;) )to call you in for the opportunity to yet again be stuck with a needle. [BTW most vials of blood they took out of me in one time was 18 -wasnt quite sure if there was any left :D ]

Anyway I guess you need to decide if the up front capital cost and ongoing expenses outweigh the disruption and cost of your time - plus being stuck with needles into your continually scarring veins...

Apparently at the end of the March they were trying to put in place an interest free payment option over a 12 month period.

Above an INR of 4.0 the results apparently start to diverge from the standard test results.

the Aussie contact numbers are : 1800 645 619

Generally distributed through ROCHE Diagnostics.

More info on the web also at

It seems that the insurers are a little hesitant in coming forward to rebate the cost of the machine and strips / consumeables but there has been rumours of it occurring. If you dont ask you dont get... :D

Trust this helps you aussies out there ...


Gerry said:
....once we get enough of us together, we probably need an Australian reunion....
I'll be heading back to the West in April/May... perhaps we could arrange a "mini" reunion and scar competion with Russell... :D :D

Anna : )
Abbanabba said:
I'll be heading back to the West in April/May... perhaps we could arrange a "mini" reunion and scar competion with Russell... :D :D

Anna : )
Im in....a catchup with other real people sounds good.

Do you score points in the scar comp for length[or lack thereof], neatness, subsidiary scars (from tubes and wire entry / exits)??? ;) :D

Arpy said:
Do you score points in the scar comp for length[or lack thereof], neatness, subsidiary scars (from tubes and wire entry / exits)??? ;) :D
Well in the true Australian spirit, I think the more horrendous the better..!!! :D excuse me while I go find a crocodile to wrestle.... after all, I like the competitive edge! ;)

A : )