Bump on sternum?

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Active member
Mar 14, 2009
Charleston, SC, USa
I have a bump on my sternum 4 months post op. it is 2-3 inches from the top and about 1/4 " high and1/2 " round. It doesn't hurt. I wonder if I ever over did it? I've never had sudden pain nor did I lift anything heavy for at least 8 weeks after OHS. My scar seems to be healing nicely and I feel good over-all. Just wonder if anyone else has similarity.
we all have a bump. mine's at the very top of the incision and hard, but tender if pushed. it's been MaRCh 2000 since my surgery. still have a little numbness on right side of incision where nerves were disturbed.
Yep, bumps and bruises are common, and sometimes can even feel those sternum wires. But you tend to grow accustomed to them, and even be grateful they are there. All best wishes to you....
I am 7 weeks post op and I gotta bump there too. The doctors said it will go down eventually
I had a soft lump at the top of my incision. Apparently fluid under the skin. I was told to massage it frequently to help dissipate the fluid. That really helped to get it down & also helped with the ultra sensitivity.
9 months post op and I still have a bump just above my incision. Doesn't seem like it's going away. Several months post op I noticed a much smaller, harder (calcium?) bump farther down along the incision. Not going away. I have a couple small bumps where my "split" meets my collar bone under my "Adam's Apple". My scar has about an inch of keloiding and I have small keloid spots about an inch apart the length of my scar. I wish all that was normal, but when I read about some of the complications some of our members are dealing with, I feel quite lucky that these issues and some occasional lightheadedness after hard bike workouts (probably dehydration) are my only gripes.
My bump at the top of my incision is still bruised nearly three months along. My previous bump never went away (after 14 years), so I'm not sure this one will, either. But it does get less tender. I feel pretty lucky that this is all I have to endure, too, considering what others have had to go through. I can't hear my valve, I feel great, and except for occasional fatigue after exerting myself too much, I can't remember feeling better.