Broken bone anyone????

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Good day to everyone!

There is never a dull moment.........Saturday night, we had a fairly large party at our home, and it weas so hot outside, that after the clean up, my husband and I needed to shower before going to bed.

On his way to get a towel, my husband (dual SJM valves), banged his foot into the door, and no doubt about it, broke at least his small toe. I thought he had fallen, leapt out of bed, and helped him to the bathroom. Toe was out at a horrid angle, he plunged it into cold water in the sink, and then.....pulled the toe back into position. He then had to lay down, as he was going to pass out. I helped him to bed, and gosh, the toe/foot looked awful. I got an ice bag, and he iced if for an hour or so, then fell asleep. In the morning he was bruised along the side of his foot to about the ankle. Hurt like heck, so he said. Hard time walking. He "buddied up" the toe. It continued to get more "blue" during the day, and he called the Dr. on Monday morning. They of course said there was not much they could do that had not already been done. I got home last night, and his foot was HUGE....terribly swollen and red. The underside was blueish, and his toe was a combination of stark white/blue and red. (perhaps for July 4th???). His entire foot looks horrible...for sure some of it from the coumaden...But the swelling 2 days later? He agreed to call the Dr. back this morning, and they've said come right in, and he is on his way there now.

My question.......has anyone here, on coumaden, had the same thing, or something similar happen? He and I are both worried about the tissues. He has had the blue toe syndrome on both feet twice last year, and two years ago stubbed his toe, where he lost the nail (other foot, big toe). I know this seems like a nothing problem, but if you could see his foot......ugh.

Input anyone??? - Marybeth
I've never had anything like that, but I would make sure he get's it checked out just to be safe. Better to spend an hour or two at the ER than lose a toe or worse yet the entire foot due to lack of circulation or something.

- John

I broke a small bone on the top of my foot and you would have thought the foot was broken in every possible place. It was just a stress fracture but the entire foot was blue, red (right where the break was), purple, green, you name it. The foot was swollen to 1 1/2 times normal size.

So, yes, coumadin does make things look outrageously disgusting. That being said, I would still be a pest at the doctor's just to be sure. Breaks can cause pinches of nerves and blood supplies so other problems could occur.

Best of luck.
I got a broken little toe when one of our friends decided to throw me off the houseboat we were on and my foot caught on the railing. My foot swelled up like crazy for about 24 hours. The outside of my foot turned black and blue, as well as the sole of most of that foot. I did not have the odd discolorations that you describe. Almost sounds like blood flow to certain parts of the foot is being constricted somehow.

Interestingly enough, I had a friend break her little toe not too long after I broke mine. Her bruising was much worse than mine and she wasn't on Coumadin.

Let us know what he finds out.
Karlynn said:
I got a broken little toe when one of our friends decided to throw me off the houseboat...
Was alcohol involved on someone's part? :)
I once broke my little toe running into a wall. I actually had a pair of socks on at the time, and just thought it hurt so much because it ALWAYS hurts like a &%$#* when you kick your little toe. Anyway it was still hurting like a &%$#* about 15 minutes later, so I took my sock off to see my little toe sitting out at a 90 degree angle to the rest of my foot (..OUCH!!!.).

I went to ER and had my toe wrenched back into place (..and that nitrous oxide didn't do a damn thing!!..) and was told they coudn't really do much else. The X-Rays showed I had a gap about 2mm between my toe and where it normally attached to my foot. Needless to say, my foot was swollen and black and blue upto my ankle for at least a couple of days. It took a good week or two for the bruising to go and a couple of months before the pain completely disappeared.

Still - it sounds like your hubby's foot is faring much worse. I don't know if it's the coumadin, or if the swelling is restricting blood flow, but it probably wouldn't hurt to keep a close eye on it and have a GP check it over.

....and my sympathies to your hubby!!!!!!!

Anna : )

Well, he had an xray done yesterday, and the Dr. sending him to an ortho guy this morning. The toe is broken, and she was unsure about the rest of the foot. It does show a "spot", so there might be a bone fragment. When I got home from work yesterday, I thought his foot looked a wee bit less swollen. Hopefully it will be even better today. Does anyone know what they do with fragments?

I hope he didn't do that himself when he pulled the toe back into position.


Thanks for your input. I am far less worried than I was.
Coumadin definitely results in quite a 'color show' following a break or bruise. It should clear up (as much as it's going to) after about 6 weeks. That's how long it took for my leg / foot / toes to clear up after banging my shin into a tree (thanks to my PUPPY chasing after a squirrel). I developed a HUGE hematoma which bled out into the lower leg, then ankle, then foot, then toes. My toes turned 2 shades of purple! All is back to normal now except there is some permanent discoloration at the bruise site. It was an 'interesting' 6 weeks during recovery but Life goes on.

'AL Capshaw'
My hubby had a bone fragment that caused havoc with his ankle and they had to do surgery to remove it so it'd quit interfering with circulation. Nowadays they probably have a micro-vacuum to take care of such things . . .

After all the swelling goes down etc., I'm sure they'll watch to see if the fragment causes problems - Jim didn't have problems for the first 25 years after he had the damage to his ankle.

Well, he saw the ortho guy, who said, yes there is a bone fragment, but nothing to be done just yet, if at all. The foot does appear less swollen, but the "color show" is there....perhaps even a bit worse than it was.

Life with a valve receipent is just never dull!


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