Broken blood vessel in my eye.

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2011
Hamilton, ON Canada
Last week following my stress test, I had a blood vessel burst in my left eye. I contacted my Thrombosis Clinic and they assured me it wasn't because of the warfarin, so I chalked it up to over exertion due to my stress test. My eye cleared up in a few days, and everything was back to normal, until last night when it happened again in the same eye, same place in my eye. My INR was just checked yesterday and it was 2.8.
Anyone else ever experience this?
I would get these occasionally (less than once a year), even before I had my OHS. I am 3.5 weeks post op and haven't seen it yet. My INR has hovered around 2.0. It could happen more often because of being on Warfarin, but I've heard it's nothing to be too worried about other than being a little scary looking.
I'm more than 20 years post-op, and don't recall having that problem. Coumadin may make it take just a bit longer for the bleeding to stop - but for a small vessel in the eye, I'd guess that this really isn't much of an issue.

Have you checked your blood pressure?

None of us here can give you medical advice, of course, but if I had a blood vessel pop in my eye (twice in a few days), and I had insurance, I'd call the doctor - or an ophthalmologist - and ask about it.
I have had this happen infrequently. Last time was just a few months ago. My GP sent me to an eye specialist who diagnosed it as a blood vessel tear. The redness eventually went away. Since yours has happened again, within a short time, a visit to an eye doc may be in order.
My hubby who is NOT on coumadin has had this happen a couple of times in the past 3 years; whereas myself, who
IS on Coumadin has never had this happen. It's worth checking it out. :)
Last week following my stress test, I had a blood vessel burst in my left eye. I contacted my Thrombosis Clinic and they assured me it wasn't because of the warfarin, so I chalked it up to over exertion due to my stress test. My eye cleared up in a few days, and everything was back to normal, until last night when it happened again in the same eye, same place in my eye. My INR was just checked yesterday and it was 2.8.
Anyone else ever experience this?
Yup, quite a few times over the years, and all B.C. (before Coumadin). The episodes occurred when vomiting or coughing strenuously. Broke blood vessels all around my eyes, too. Looks like the measles.