bridging for carpal tunnel surgery

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I am scheduled to have carpal tunnel surgery on Jan 15th on my hand and elbow, both hands/arms, one at a time.

The cardio's instructions, relayed through a nurse, were to start the Lovenox the day after surgery. I knew that did not sound correct. I double checked with the surgeon and he said to stop the Coumadin five days before the surgery and start the Lovenox. Stop the Lovenox 24 hours from the surgery. And Lovenox will resume after the surgery.

The cardio's nurse reccomended a one time a day injection of 106 mg of Lovenox. I have read that 1mg per 2.2 lbs of wieght twice a day is reccomended. I wiegh 165 lbs. I figure 75 mg Lovenox twice a day is that correct?

I picked up the Lovenox at the RX. Only 6 syringes 120 mg each. Instructions are to start the day after surgery!! ( I plan to have them order more Lovenox for the 5 days prior to surgery, after I calm down.)

I plan to look for another cardio. Can anyone recommend one in the OKC area?

Any other thoughts or suggestions?

I'm not a doctor and you may want to write Al Lodwick about this, but I believe your very much correct and they are wrong. Should be 2 shots a day 12 hours apart, unless something new is being said that I don't know about.

You can reach Al at [email protected]
I've had 3 surgeries since beginning coumadin. All 3 docs told me to similar things regarding bridging.

*4 to 5 days before surgery, stop coumadin (the date depended on the type of surgery)
*2 to 3 days before surgery, start lovenox 2 x day. 75mg. each dose (my weight is 145)
*2 days before surgery, stop low-dose aspirin
*1 day before surgery, take only 1 lovenox dose at noon (my surgeries have all been in early a.m.)
*The day of surgery, re-start coumadin and lovenox in the p.m.
*The day after surgery, continue lovenox 2 x day until INR is in range
*4 days after surgery, re-start low-dose aspirin

Hope this helps as some sort of guideline that you can ask your doc about.
Good luck with the Carpal Tunnel OP....I had the right side done about 3 years ago and it helped alot with the pain I was having., now my right elbow has packed it in and needs some fixing :( . Sorry you need both sides done., you are right to have them done separately as life without both hands would be quite restrictive. I think my hand took about 3 months to totally heal from the OP...I had an open resection done and the 1 1/2inch scar is neatly concealed in the palm creases, if you look really close you can see the marks from the stitches.

anyways...heal well and good luck with the bridging etc.