Bridge Therapy for a Fine Needle Thyroid Biopsy?

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Active member
Mar 22, 2009
Moravia NY, USA
Multiple nodules found on thyroid. Am scheduled for a biopsy April 5th. Surgeon feeling pretty sure they're benign, but we gotta know for sure. I'm all good with that but....

Doc called my cardio to consult, and she wants me to bridge. Have appt w/ cardio on Mon 3/28 to discuss. Personally I wouldn't think a fine needle biopsy is that invasive to require bridging. Thoughts?
Doc called my cardio to consult, and she wants me to bridge. Have appt w/ cardio on Mon 3/28 to discuss. Personally I wouldn't think a fine needle biopsy is that invasive to require bridging. Thoughts?

Ask your cardio for her reasons for bridging when you meet with her. Maybe there is good reason to bridge, if not, maybe she will agree with you and let you forego bridging. Sometimes, when my doc and I are face to face I win ....sometimes not.
Thanks Dick. Well, with lots of views, and only Dick weighing in, I guess the consensus is that bridge therapy isn't too extreme for this procedure. I'll keep ya posted! Will be learning how to do that lovenex shot on Monday. Just another skill under my belt,eh?
Well, I'm not on warfarin, and I've never had a thyroid needle biopsy. I imagine that's why you've not gotten many responses. However, watching from the sidelines on this site for a number of years, my gut response would be similar to yours.

I would have to wonder what the amount of risk really is for bleeding from a "fine needle" biopsy, and how does it compare to the risks of bridging?

I would certainly agree with Dick that you should point some questions at your cardiologist, and be sure he or she is looking fully from your perspective, rather than his or her colleague's. Maybe they could agree on a low-end INR instead.

Best wishes,
If it was me, my first choice would be to go in with an INR around 2.5 but I don't know your specific circumstances
and what your doc has in mind for you, so please let us know what he says.
We have a member "Elcarim" who had a fine needle biopsy from her chest this past week while on ACT.
Cardiologist felt pretty strongly that she wanted me to bridge, so away we go with that. Gotta learn to do it eventually as there will certainly be other medical occasions (that 50-something colonscopy is on the horizon!) My INR is usually pretty volatile and I have swings even w/OUT much change in my dosing. For me, diet, alcohol & exercise affect it more than anything. So maybe it's better this way.

Two Big Bits of Good news from this office visit:

1) Had a 'thumbs up!' 2 year check up!
Echo & EKG are fine. No change in my other 'leaky' valves. And the 'alarmist' feeling I get when the office staff calls to tell me my lab results (which are up & down, up & down) is NOT coming from my cardiologist, but the staff! So I'm not going to allow myself to be affected by THEIR comments anymore, "What is going on with you Sue!?"

2) Plus...Cardio's FINALLY agreeable to explore home testing with me. Will begin that journey once this biopsy stuff is out of the way.
I had the "fine needle biopsy" last Nov. on my thyroid. I have an mechanical valve and take coumidin. I didn't bridge and the ENT doctor stuck the needle in 9, yes 9 times for biopsy. I didn't bridge and had absolutely no problems.
Good luck with yours. Not painful at all.