I heard that on the radio a little while ago. So sad.
It sure brings home your own mortality when folks you grew up with are passing on.
They just said he was a 3 time Emmy winner. Went to verify that on Google and found this story about his third win:
N. Ellen, a friend and co-worker of Don Adams shares this story about the night he won his third Emmy Award.
"When Don received his emmy for GS he went back to table and all were applauding and he was standing and waving at everyone....he had put emmy down on table at his place....his wife, Dorothy, kept pulling at him to sit down!!! Finally, he did..but still looking around the room and waving and when he sat down..the prongs of the wings of the emmy went into the underside of his jaw!!!! Blood!!! what a mess...but you know...he really is Maxwell Smart!!!"
May God Bless,