bradycardia - for a friend

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
Hi all,
A friend of mine on another heart site over here is having huge worries with her son who was born with the CHD called TAPVD. He's had corrective surgery but has all sorts of resp and lung problems now.
This is his latest problem and it sounds like a nasty one - shes really worried and I said i would post here too to see if anyone has experience of bradycarida symptoms here and could advise her...
Heres her message...

On Friday morning I had a phonecall from school, Could I please get there as soon as possible as Lewis had stopped breathing in assembly, that he was ok now - but very blue and hot.
I raced up to the school and he was sat in the school office - still very pale, blue mouthed and saying he felt ill and sick. The staff were pretty shook up and wanted him taken home.
I took him home and straight to the doctors, the GP said he couldn't find anything wrong with him and that maybe he'd had a bit of reflux. The GP said to send him back to school, which I did.
The school were'nt too impressed as it was a 'fun run' that afternoon on the school field - but I was there to watch - so I didn't see the problem.

Now for my question!!!......
The more I have thought about this, I thought about the test he had for bradycardia last year after they noted his heart rate dropped considerably during rest periods.
Well - this is the 2nd time he's had some kind of 'episode' whilst sitting on the floor in assembly now.
This being the said he was making gurggling noises and just went blue and wasn't breathing.
I have questionned Lewis today and he said he felt dizzy, couldnt breathe and like he had 'bees in his skin' (I think that means pins and needles!!!)
I'm pretty certain that it wasn't reflux from that description.
Anyone with experience of bradycardia.....could this be episodes of bradycardia?? And do you think I should tell his heart hospital?? Or is it, like the GP said yesterday "just one of those things I'll never know the answer to" ??
It's just with it being the 2nd time it's happened - i'm a bit more worried!!
Any advice welcome!! Thanks!!

Joe had episodes of bradycardia and he kept passing out. I saw all three episodes. He fell like a tree in the forest without breaking his fall, and landed on whatever was in the way. And he did end up with injuries. When trying to get a pulse, I found none, anywhere. And his eyes were rolled back in his head and he was silent. I immediately called an ambulance and they were able to find a pulse, but it was extremely slow. He did have an electro-cardiology study done with portable heart monitors. He had a pacemaker implanted. No more passing out.

It sounds like this young man needs to have an updated study done, and a heart monitor that stays with him for several weeks. And someone should keep a very close eye on him. You can never tell when this will happen. What if he were going down stairs, or crossing a street. He may need a pacemaker or other implanted device. And the other thing is that he may be having different kinds of heart arrhythmias which could be causing the episodes. And some of them are dangerous. I would speak with a cardiologist about any restrictions needed in his activities, before getting a proper diagnosis.

I don't know what else could correct this problem. But others may have ideas.
Thankyou so much for that Nancy! I'll pass it on to Mel straight away.

Should have mentioned - Lewis, her son, is the same age as Chloe, 5 years old

Thanks again

Such a little guy to have such serious things happening. I hope they get him straightened out. It must scare him when it happens.
I can't believe the GP said to send him back to school. Schools aren't conducive to maintaining good cardiovascular health. As you mentioned, children frequently have to sit on the floor, legs crossed and perfectly still for long lengths of time. In addition, many schools and classrooms aren't air conditioned and access to water fountains is frequently curtailed.
I hope Lewis is seen very soon by his cardiologist. Please let us know.


Hi, First time trying to communicate with comp. Just discovered i amcandidade for OHS and really caught me off guard. just had knee replacement surgery and now this. CanI really hope to not be so tired?
I had episodic bradycardia. Felt very very lethargic. Now have a pacemaker to make sure that my heart rate doesn't go too slow.