Hi Gina,
It does bother me, but not always in the same way. There are times when I can get around OK, but there are other times that with any exertion, I get very faint. There have been instances when I actually had to lay down on the ground until I got some energy back, I felt extremely faint. This usually happens with the erratic heart beating that goes with it.
There are other times when my heart rate kicks into a steady 154 beats per min. This is when I switch from A-Fib to A-Flutter.. or visa vera.. I still get these 2 mixed up.. The fast heat beat is annoying more than anything, and I know that I have to get it back down.
Since I am already on Coumadin, as you mentioned, it does provide a comfort zone to me in that I am already medicated to hopefully prevent clotting.
Hope this helps answer your questions. Let me know if I need to try and clarify more.