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On saturday the 13th december it will be one month since I had my Aortic valve replaced. My INR just will not settle down . forever going for blood tests Thank God I will be on coumadin for only another two months. I feel fine during the day , I try and walk one mile every day. What I would appreciate is some advice as to when do I need to go and visit a cardiologist, when should I return to my gym and start building up the chest muscles that still hurt when ever I move quickly or try and lift up something light. I would also like to wish all of you and your families a Merry Christmas and a healthy ..healthy new year.

Warmest regards

Joey :) :) :) :) :) :)

Here in the USA a lot of us have gone to cardiac rehab for supervised increased activity and strength training. I don't know what you have available there but I would take advantage of some similar program if possible.

As far as when to call the cardiologist I would ask him for some guidelines. If he isn't very helpful then I would call when you needed clarification on something or some situation comes up that you even slightly think may be heart related.

You are still very early in your recovery and "heavy" anything should probably still be avoided. There is much healing taking place inside and discomfort even with light lifting may well be normal.

Walking is great. Keep that up! Remember to still do your deep breathing exercises too. What is your weather like now in Israel?

INRs take a while to settle in range. Just try to put up with it for the next couple of months. After that you can just chalk it up for an experience you just had to go through.

You sound like you are doing very well. I reached a point where I was so tired of the whole thing and just wanted to get on with the rest of my life. I had to work on putting little set-backs into perspective. The people on this board were wonderfully encouraging and very very helpful to me.
Joey, I feel your pain. I am just a a week or so ahead of you as I had my Surgery on Nov. 4th. My chest muscles are not that sore, just non existent. I still am not sleeping great but it is getting easier and I know it will for you too. Just think about how far you have come in the last month and think about how much better you will be around the first of the year. Everyone here keeps reminding me that I am not that far along in my recovery and not to get in a hurry. I quess I will pass that along to you. We both had MAJOR surgery a few weeks ago and just have to give ourselves some time.

When I left the hospital they told me a what intervals I needed to see my different Doctors as a part of the discharge process. I have seen the Cardiologist for normal visits twice since being released from the hospital. Once the week after my release and then again two weeks later. If you have not seen your Cardiologist you might give them a call and ask for some guidance.

Best of luck to you in your recovery.

Betty, Rick....thanks

Betty, Rick....thanks

Betty, Rick thanks for the encouragement and advice , Very much appreciated. The weather in Israel is very cold and rainy. I will contact my cardiologist tomorrow it would be so nice to know that the motor and valve is working like it suppose to. I have not been checked since the day I left the hospital.

I had appointment after 3 weeks of surgery, Joey. And in-between, I called them with questions once or twice. You need to be checked to make sure all is going well in there.
Hi Joey - When you see your Cardiologist, make sure you get a followup appointment to see him again - probably in 6 months when they should do an echocardiogram. Also ask him about the availability and timing of cardio rehab. Participating in rehab is a great way to learn about your limitations and to gain information and confidence about what you should be doing in the way of exercise. If there is any way you can do this, then go for it because it will pay some good benefits. In the meantime, keep pushing yourself, but slowly and gently. If your chest hurts the next day, then you have probably done too much. Hope this helps - Chris
One last question, how long after the op should one
wait to drive a car. ?

joey said:
One last question, how long after the op should one
wait to drive a car. ?


Usually about 6 weeks out Joey. Depending on how your healing, I've seen 4 weeks, but no sooner then that.
Joey, you can't drive a car for awhile. When I returned to cardio, I was told to wait about 4-6 weeks to drive and even then to be very careful when behind the wheel, not lift anything over 5 lbs for the first few weeks, then up to 10# for the next few weeks, then 15# for awhile before lifting heavier things. Don't pull or push things for quite awhile as it's hard on the chest where they went through the sternum. You won't sleep well for a month or so and it is hard to find a comfortable position, so you have to try several in order to find one that suits you. Joey, you haven't been given proper instructions for after-surgery, so maybe the body of the membership will be along to make other suggestions to you so that you are covered in every area. Y'all listenin? Come on in and let's get Joey up to speed. That's our purpose.
Thanks , you are so correct, I have no idea what can and can't be done. It's my fault as I am far to easy going. I take life as it comes. I am taking things very easy. Not lifting a thing.
I have arranged to meet with the cardiologist sometime next week. I have no doubt that I can learn more from all you good people than my cardiologist. Today is the first day that I am sort of aware as to how I can have some controll of my eating habits regarding INR it's been like a yoyo this past two weeks. Since I left the hospital three weeks ago I have not yet checked my blood pressure. Sometimes I wish I could sleep standing up like a horse.


AVR November 13th / 03
Joey don't get to consumed with your INR at this point. As your body heals, the dosage will require adjustment. Eat what you want to eat, but just be aware of the things that may cause rises or falls. It's really too early for you to worry about it. Nutrition is more important right now.
I just returned from a visit to my GP he is a little concerned as my pulse is 32 used to be 46 plus minus . Is there anyone out there with such a low pulse rate ? I dont think I should go to sleep tonight might not wake up in the morning.

Joey::D :D :D :D
Well I could post a sexy woman and that should get your heart rate up, but then I'd get banned, so I better not.

I'm sure if it stays low, they'll give you something to bring it up.
Hey Ross, I like you ,you smart, strange how we men all think alike . The same suggestion was suggested to me a few minutes ago by my friend . My wife says no ways in my condition it will kill me, So we have come to the conclusion this women does not have to be toooooo overpowering we only want to get it arround 60

Joey:p :p :p :p
Besides, we only want to get his heart rate up, not anything else. ;)


my intrinsic rate is only 38. That is why I have a pacer.
I've been thinking about that low heart rate on and off the last couple of hours. I can't come up with any scenario whatsoever in which that doesn't demand treatment. 46 is low but for a well-conditioned person is often a sign of cardiac strength. But way.

Joey, I don't know what to say. Your doctor obviously knows about it but he doesn't seem like the most pro-active guy around. Take your own pulse a few times and record it. If it stays below 40, even if you arn't having any symptoms, please call him and report it and ask what his plan is for it.

Everyone I know who has a natural heartrate that low now has a pacemaker.

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