Body Aches..5 mos after surgery??

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My father had an aortic valve replacement (tissue valve) last November. He is 74 and otherwise in outstanding health.
Althought the surgey appears to have done the trick with regards to his symptoms (fluid in the lungs, shortness of breath), he has been experiencing a lot of muscle discomfort as of late. Light activity presents no problems with the exception that his muscles ache. He also says he cannot sit still for a period of time without discomfort. Of course sleeping is very difficult.
He had been on Coumadin and a blood pressure med (diovan?). He is no longer on the Coumadin, but the pain persists. Has anyone else here experience this or other effects?

Any insights are appreciated.....

This is probably not the most helpful reply, but I thought I would chime in. I'm 6 months post-op; I take Coumadin and Diovan. I feel like I'm 100% and have for about 2 months now, and I'm now exercising twice daily with no ill effects. Of course I'm 31 years old, which I'm sure has a lot to do with it.

Are you talking about generalized achy muscles (like when you get the flu or something) or aching in specific muscles after exertion (like the way your arms hurt after lifting weights)?

I'd be curious to know what his doctors think. Especially if it's a generalized achiness, which I haven't had since right after the surgery.

I always like to recommend Cardiac Rehab if insurance will cover it. If not, at least find a rehab class and go visit. WATCH what that patients are doing and then try similar exercises at home or in a gym. Note that the rehab sessions always Begin and End with a few minutes of STRETCHING to loosen up those tight muscles. Hopefully one of the nurses will give him a copy of their stretching exercise sheet.

Muscle aches and pains can persist for a LONG time, especially if he has not been doing any stretching. Gentle stretching of all the body muscles is a very good way to begin. If a cardiac rehab nurse is not an option, then perhaps a trainer at a gym could recommend a program for him.

'AL Capshaw'
I bet you are talking about in the sternum pain. There is pain felt in the sternum due to healing that is still going on. Mostly, it will be better after he reaches one year. The sternum went through trauma of surgery and takes time to heal from surgery. The discomfort is subside in time. He is allowed pain meds? Use them sporatically. He also still needs to keep as active as feels up to doing. The sleeping will get better also in due time. Take care and take it one day at a time. Things will get better for him soon.

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