Bobby Cutts is going down

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat

Count 1 (aggravated murder for Jessie): NOT GUILTY (GUILTY OF REDUCED CHARGE OF MURDER)

Count 2 (aggravated murder for Baby Chloe): GUILTY (THREE DEATH PENALTY SPECIFICATIONS APPLY)

Count 3 (aggravated murder for child under 13): GUILTY (THREE DEATH PENALTY SPECIFICATIONS APPLY)

Count 4 (aggravated burglary): GUILTY

Count 5 (gross abuse of a corpse for Jessie): GUILTY

Count 6 (gross abuse of a corpse for Baby Chloe): GUILTY

Count 7 (child endangerment): GUILTY
It's good to see this come to a close with a guilty verdict. If he were a celebrity, I wonder if the outcome would be the same. It seems that justice was served, verdict wise.
Justice is bitter sweet?.I do not comprehend man?s inhumanity to man, never will?The tragic loss of life is such an unnecessary waste?I grieve for all families involved, hers and his. They have both suffered loss. As to him, it looks like he will pay the ultimate price for his actions and he should.
one thing I've got to give you Americans credit for is swift justice - it would have taken 5 - 7 years to get him to court here in Canada, then another two or so for the trial ! Oh well, your appeal process now starts, so that might even things up a bit . . . .

BTW, I am currently sitting within about half a mile of the previous Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka home. That one really knocked our town's socks off.
Was that the one where his little boy witnessed the murder and actually told the police his dad hit his mom and wrapped her in the rug?
terryj said:
Was that the one where his little boy witnessed the murder and actually told the police his dad hit his mom and wrapped her in the rug?
Yes this is the one.
netmiff said:
one thing I've got to give you Americans credit for is swift justice - it would have taken 5 - 7 years to get him to court here in Canada, then another two or so for the trial ! Oh well, your appeal process now starts, so that might even things up a bit . . . .

BTW, I am currently sitting within about half a mile of the previous Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka home. That one really knocked our town's socks off.

not necessarily. Sister was senselessly murdered - took a year for trial and he pled guilty, was sentenced to death, has appealed once and lost the appeal and he will appeal more, probably. Takes about 12 or more years for the sentence to be carried out. Not uncommon for it to be 20 years.

This murder case Ross is talking about ended quickly and we are glad. At least his conscience got the better of him and he confessed in the courtroom - in tears, no less. And he was a policeman? Look at the legacy to his and her families. Awful to have to live with all of that.

Besides, the Congress has put a moratorium on actually putting a prisoner to death - until the Supreme Court decides if it's cruel and unusual punishment!
netmiff said:
one thing I've got to give you Americans credit for is swift justice - it would have taken 5 - 7 years to get him to court here in Canada, then another two or so for the trial ! Oh well, your appeal process now starts, so that might even things up a bit . . . .

BTW, I am currently sitting within about half a mile of the previous Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka home. That one really knocked our town's socks off.
The initial phase is quick. It's either prosecute or turn them free in a said amount of time. Now that Bobbies been convicted, the games begin. Right away, his defense team was asking for mistrial over the jury's verdict concerning the mother. Judge denied the motion. Thank God we have at least one judge that has common sense. Anyway, after sentencing, you can bet appeals will fly and this will drag on forever and ever.
hensylee said:
when is the judge issuing the sentence?

Sentencing day is my hatching day, Feb 25th or should I say that the sentencing phase of the trial begins then.
I'm having a hard time with the fact that the jury didn't find him guilty of aggravated murder in the first count. I think that just opened the door to a life sentence rather then death penalty even though the aggravated specification is part of counts 2 and 3. Anyone with common sense can figure this out.

Guess it doesn't much matter. When the prisoners find out he's a cop, his time on earth will be greatly shortened.
Ross said:
I'm having a hard time with the fact that the jury didn't find him guilty of aggravated murder in the first count. I think that just opened the door to a life sentence rather then death penalty even though the aggravated specification is part of counts 2 and 3. Anyone with common sense can figure this out.

I really don't remember...did they find her body?...I know sometimes if there is no body this is the verdict:confused: ...Also, if premeditation was not proved it could be a facter.....Just I thought...
cooker said:
I really don't remember...did they find her body?...I know sometimes if there is no body this is the verdict:confused: ...Also, if premeditation was not proved it could be a facter.....Just I thought...
Yeah Mr. Cutts took them to her body in National Park 20 miles North of here.
actually, I was advised by my attorney cousin (who is REALLY a bigwig lawyer and knows whereof he speaks) and a highschool friend who became a judge, to request that our criminal get life w/o parole because then he could never appeal. In death penalties they have an automatic appeal. Rest of the family wanted the death penalty so I agreed. At least with death penalty we know the prisoner is alone in a tiny cell with only one hour outside during the 24 hour day.