Blood thnners and energy level

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Sep 11, 2010
Pittsburgh, Pa
I originally mislabelled title blood thnners (sorry which you may see in the following posts)
To the topic:
Diuretics reduce the fluid in the body and Bumex reduces potassium. So blood volume can go down, and although the patient is taking potassium supplements- because bumex depletes potassium, the blood chemistry may be an issue.
Any experiences with this diuretic that you think effected your energy level?
You mention "blood thinners" and I'm a bit confused because Bumex is not an anticoagulant. It is a stronger drug used to rid the body of excess fluid buildup most frequently caused by CHF.

I have been on bumex one or two times when the Lasix just isn't cutting it & I can't expel the water retention due to my CHF. I also take potassium because if you do not, low potassium levels can lead to severe complications. Therefore, you must maintain a balance between potassium & the diuretics.

Hopefully they can schedule the surgery soon for her.

Best of luck to you!
Diuretics can wash the potassium out of your Mom's blood and this can definitely make her feel weak and if it continues can lead to other ill effects.
My mother is taking increased diuretics Bumex — Bumetanide.She was released from the hospital on Monday after spending six days in the hospital for difficulty breathing, because of fluid in the lungs. She has chf. On a waiting list for PAVR to be done in Cleveland, but not until OCTOBER 20TH! My father believes, and I agree, that she needs to have a procedure done soon. Maybe traditional open heart surgery is the only way to go because it can be scheduled and done this week, or maybe a valvotomy to tie. Some hospitals use this to tie a person over.
I think, and I hope that it is the increased diuretics are making her feel weaker. She is going to the hospital tomorrow.
Do high doses of diuretics have this effect?
Any information that you feel could pertain to this situation, let me know.
Thank you.

Yes, that is why I tell you that it is IMPORTANT to maintain a balance with potassium & diuretics!
Like Jean I'm confused about what you are asking since if she is on a "blood thinner" you didn't mention it.
Its interesting your Mom can have the percutaneous valve replacement done, I thought right now it was only for people who were not candidates for surgery. I have NOT checked the criteria lately, but IF you were offerred surgery and turned it down, that was on of the things that excluded you from taking part in the TAVI trials.
I know they are supposed to be discussing the results this week, I'm wonderring IF maybe they are hoping things change and it is open to more people and that is why your Mom would have to wait?
Really it is hard for anyone to say if she should wait or have surgery now, that really is something you should talk to her doctors about that have all her records and test results
Just thought I'd mention that foods rich with potassium are bananas, avocados, lima beans and tomatoes. Perhaps she can try eating some of these foods and see if her energy levels rise.
Diuretics can wash the potassium out of your Mom's blood and this can definitely make her feel weak and if it continues can lead to other ill effects.

Do you know if You Mom has been taking Potassium or if they are watching her levels?
Thank you for replies, and your correction. You are correct, I meant to put diuretics not blood thnner (-sp) in title.
Yes, she is taking a potassium supplement.
Could her blood volume be low? I don't know, but tomorrow at the doctors, these things will be disucssed. Thank you for your personal stories and information.
Just thought I'd mention that foods rich with potassium are bananas, avocados, lima beans and tomatoes. Perhaps she can try eating some of these foods and see if her energy levels rise.

Fruit Juice is another potential source of potassium.
Some Orange Juice container report 450 mg / serving. Juicy Juice reports 220 mg/ serving.

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