ACE Inhibitors
ACE Inhibitors
Hi Lisa -
Don't quote me on this, but Lisinopril, which I take also, is an ACE inhibitor which acts to dilate the blood vessels. For people that have high blood pressure this would cause a drop in the pressure. I don't have that problem, but my understanding is that by reducing the back pressure it reduces the loading on the heart when the blood flows back into your heart. My blood pressure has always been low, and that's why I still haven't had this valve replaced after 5 years.
I was supposed to have my TEE today, but I pushed it back to next Tuesday because I had already commited to being a chaperone on my 9 year-old son's field trip.
Don't know if all of these are signs, but my cardiologist has now changed the TEE from being diagnostic to being in anticipation of surgery. Anyway, I've been told to quit the coffee. This is real hard, as I am a computer programmer and the coffee pot is right outside my office. Now I'm noticing how much the caffeine has masked the symptom of fatigue. I'm out-of-breath quite frequently now. I get light headed if I have to stand for a while. My attention span seems shorter, and I notice I'm forgetting things, like name of people at church that I have known for years. Granted, that last could be attributed to the fact that I past 40 a few years back
I understand that the Echos are only as good as the tech and the person reading them. I was told that carrying a few extra pounds can skew the readings, and that the TEE gets right up next to the heart, therefore giving a better idea of what is going on.
By the way, I have an Aortic Regurgitation also. It's been severe for quite some time. I'm ready to get this over with and have the surgery...
I'll let you know how the TEE goes...