Blood pressure - symptoms of low BP

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Hello to all: I have a question regarding low blood pressure.. while I plan to put a call in to my DR tomorrow, I thought I'd ask for your opinion. long story short.. I currently take 200MG Toprol XL and up until 2 weeks ago, I was also taking 1 1/2 pills (60mg) of Accupril to control my BP.. I changed from Accupril to 4MG of Mavic along with the Toprol XL (insurance reasons) - the reason it takes such large doses to control is that my BP took a major spike 3 1/2 years ago when I decided to end a relationship and life I had in TX and move back home to PA and move in with parents while I start over.. fast forward to the 1st of this month when I finally was able to move out on my own again.. I jokingly said " BP will probably drop 20 points just from moving out and being on my own once again..." well I think it did.. i've been feeling slightly weird.. not faint or dizzy - but almost - but not all the time.. I checked my BP a couple times and it's hovering around 102/62 - my pulse is fine..

I know I just cannot stop taking Toprol XL - my DR is fine if I try to see if I can reduce it as we tried previously.. he knows I check my BP - i'm thinking about cutting my Toprol in half to 100 mg.. and see how that goes.. any thoughts?

what are the symptoms of low BP..

He Christine:

I have normally low blood pressure: it runs in the 90's over 50's or so. The only "symptom" I have I guess is that I gray out or black out if I stand up to fast, or from squatting, especially if I don't keep hydrated. I've always had low bp though and until recently thought this happened to everyone.

The other reason I wanted to say hi is I noticed you're from Pottstown. I'm right down 100 from you in Downingtown. I hope this wind kicking up the pollen isn't driving you as nutty as it is me!!:)
hey, great to hear from a local... you're down 100, i'm up 100 - i'm near 100 & state st - actually I ran out of Allegra and was waiting for my others to be refilled to get back on a once a month refill schedule and let me tell you.. my eyes never watered /burned in the past as much as they did these past two weeks - actually had to wear my glasses vrs contacts.. but the weird thing, my allergies are fine today.. even with the gusts of wind stirring up everything - my only complaint about the wind.. i nearly froze my tush off (yes in may) standing on top of the "hill" in Pottstown an hour ago, filling my car up with gas.. between the wind tunnel affect of the multi pump stations and being on top of the "town" looking down, the wind was wicked..

speaking of gas, do you have a giant grocery store near you which also sells gas? if you do, go there.. if you shop there, you'll earn points towards cents off gas per gallon.. sometimes I don't get any savings, other times I can save anywhere between $.10 and $.30 off per gallon.. granted i almost blew away pumping today, but when I get a discount it's worth it..

nice meeting you

Giant with gas pumps? Not yet but there's a new Giant going into West Chester...right now Wawa is still the best bet. I made an appointment with an allergist today....

Hope you get some answers on the bp front.
yea, I downsized my dose of toprol xl starting last nite.. we'll see..I tried calling in to the dr to let them know what i was doing.. can never reach them on mondays.. death hold city.. will try again later this week.. true test of my BP, i'm a B to B credit/collector.. my biggest customer who I babysit and work very hard to bring the money in.. normally pays out between $3-6M a week, just cut me $148K - needless to say, i'm not very happy, this week will be challenging as I light a fire under several of their regions.. I think i'll take a mental health day next monday as I normally would be publishing my receivables to "executive row" - just kidding.. but not looking forward to that conversation.

WAWA - yep, can't beat their gas prices either.. or their tuna hoagies :)
