I'm glad I found this website and only wish I'd known about you all a year ago when I had to have my faulty aortic valve replaced; I was diagnosed with it when I was 6 yo, but physician father told me to live my life and not worry about it, so I didn't really expect to outlive it. I didn't want to have the titanium valve put in b/c of having to be on coumadin/warfarin the rest of my life; but everyone pooh-poohed my resistance and here I am, now on coumadin forever. You may be able to tell I'm not a happy camper about it, so I try to remember that if it weren't for being on it, I might not even be here.
About 6 mos. ago I experienced alot of blood in my urine and I attributed it to partying with friends the night before, but I called my dr. and she ran a urine test confirming it and my INR was high too. I spent the next two days in their clutches getting urinalysis and blood draws done and then had to go in once a week for more testing. It was expensive as well as a monumental hassle. I should have learned from this, but didn't, and I'm now in the same situation, only I haven't called the dr. b/c I don't want to have to go through all that again. Since my finger sticks at a coumadin clinic cost me $40 co-pay and I'm scheduled to go in next monday I was kind of thinking I'd wait this out and see if it doesn't go away like it did last time. I haven't been able to find an answer through the threads I've seen so I thought I'd just throw this out there and see what some of you might recommend. Obviously, I don't want to create a bigger problem, but I also don't want to have to go find out what I already know. It's a given that I shouldn't have celebrated a friend's b/day with more than 3 glasses of wine, but I was tired of "being good" and now I'm paying for it, I think, unless it could be something else. I feel like I'm still trying to figure out how to keep my numbers from being all over the board...and also feeling quite discouraged by the drug, not being able to ski anymore(well, I'm not supposed to) and having to live a life of complete moderation has never been my style so I'm trying to do that too.
I hope someone out there can tell me what I should do about the blood in my urine and if this is potentially serious...
Thank you for reading this!
About 6 mos. ago I experienced alot of blood in my urine and I attributed it to partying with friends the night before, but I called my dr. and she ran a urine test confirming it and my INR was high too. I spent the next two days in their clutches getting urinalysis and blood draws done and then had to go in once a week for more testing. It was expensive as well as a monumental hassle. I should have learned from this, but didn't, and I'm now in the same situation, only I haven't called the dr. b/c I don't want to have to go through all that again. Since my finger sticks at a coumadin clinic cost me $40 co-pay and I'm scheduled to go in next monday I was kind of thinking I'd wait this out and see if it doesn't go away like it did last time. I haven't been able to find an answer through the threads I've seen so I thought I'd just throw this out there and see what some of you might recommend. Obviously, I don't want to create a bigger problem, but I also don't want to have to go find out what I already know. It's a given that I shouldn't have celebrated a friend's b/day with more than 3 glasses of wine, but I was tired of "being good" and now I'm paying for it, I think, unless it could be something else. I feel like I'm still trying to figure out how to keep my numbers from being all over the board...and also feeling quite discouraged by the drug, not being able to ski anymore(well, I'm not supposed to) and having to live a life of complete moderation has never been my style so I'm trying to do that too.
I hope someone out there can tell me what I should do about the blood in my urine and if this is potentially serious...
Thank you for reading this!