Rebecca Havel
Could taking coumadin cause that? About a year ago the doc told me I had a bladder infection so he gave me anitbiotics. A few months after that he send me to a specialist because he was concerned that there was still blood in the urine, okay went to see that doctor and he suggested a procedure (can't remember the test) but they put me to sleep and the results were that I had an infection and that I should take MORE antibiotics...Okay its been a little over a year and this past Christmas Eve I started experiencing back pain on my left side where my kidney is, and so I'm thinking I pulled something since I tend to pick up my 4 yr old, and its not painful, but uncomfotrable. I also notice that on my left side I have some brusing that looks like someone beat on my arm & leg, to make long story short I went to see the doctor today only my family docotor is on vacation so I was told to see his partner, and my PT/INR came back to 4.7 (wow) and she gave me my therapy and told me that I have blood in the urine (again) so what I wondering is if any of you guys & gals out there have experienced this, because she thinks the blood in my urine is caused by me taking coumadin? Would appreciate any responds, Thanks for taking time to read this~~Becky