I have been having stomach issues off and on since surgery. About 3 weeks ago my internist scheduled a ultra-sound of my abdominal area, which I kept putting off since I am tired of the dr! But I finally went today. So I received a call this afternoon from my dr. that I have cysts on my ovaries (non-issue, very small) but also I have pools of blood in my liver. There is a name for it which I can't remember. Wasn't able to write it down since I was out with my kids when she called - hemogen-something. I asked if it could be caused by the coumadin and she said she's not completely sure so I have to have an MRI next week to get a better look. It's funny b/c after the test today I told people, I am done! No more tests and dr. visits this year (besides INR checks of course). Of course things could be worse and she said it isn't anything I need to worry about (my brother the dr. said this too) but I'm just wondering if it's from the meds and what they do about it. My INR is low anyways. Has anyone else had this happen?