blood in ear

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mile high

Well-known member
May 30, 2004
I am wondering if anyone has had bleeding in the ear that does not seem to want to stop.

The question is whether anyone has experienced anything like this and what was done for it and the outcome.

This is not an ear drum problem as the bleeding is near the entrance to the ear but slightly down inside of it. It has filled my ear for 5 days now and does not stop bleeding although it has slowed down.

I have visited my family physician twice this week who has me using an over the counter product called Debrox in my ear every few hours and then i stuff my ear with a cotton ball to keep it in. Since there is still new blood in my ear the doctor cannot see exactly what is going on. The idea is to have the bleeding stop and to scab over so they can flush the ear and see where the blood is coming from. Then fix it.

I am aware of how this started as i was having some scabbing (altho not bloody, it was a clear scab). Eventually after picking it off a few times it started bleeding. The guess is that a capillary in the ear has broken and that along with the coumadin is causing this to scab over verrrrrrrrrrrry slowly.

I do not have an ear ache although after a few days of this i am experiencing some discomfort around my ear and i generally am not feeling well. Tylenol helps but has been less effective in the last 24 hours.

Any input would be appreciated.


Mile High
What is your INR? You may want to go to an ENT just to cover your bases.
Good question. My INR 10 days ago was 3.3. I am almost always in range and rarely have been out of range. I have considered getting it checked and may do so on monday.
I recall some Doctor telling me that some Nose Sprays (Vasoconstrictors, NOT dilators - edit) will work to stop ear bleeds. I think AFRIN is in that category. Note that continued use of Afrin can be addictive. Your Pharmacist may be able to give you more information.
Does anyone recal what that product was that Al Lodwick talked about. He sent me a sample but I can't remember the name. Ross???? My sample were in swab forms and they were specifically meant to stop nose bleeds and other bleeds.
I recall some Doctor telling me that some Nose Sprays (vasil dilators) will work to stop ear bleeds. I think AFRIN is in that category. Note that continued use of Afrin can be addictive. Your Pharmacist may be able to give you more information.
Would it be applied topically? Visine can be topically applied to red blemishes because it will "get the red out."
Would it be applied topically? Visine can be topically applied to red blemishes because it will "get the red out."
Well, Mile High, I tried many different combinations of words, trying to search out what AL meant in regard to the Afrin suggestion, and although I am still not sure specifically in what manner he was suggesting the Afrin be used, I did find that Afrin is a vasoconstrictor and evidently can be used topically for some wounds in a sterile setting.

I hope you ear is better.
I did a GOOGLE Search for "Afrin" and found the following information on a Doctor's website about post sinus surgery:

Post-operative Instructions

Please read these instructions carefully as they provide answers to questions you will have about what to expect after surgery. The success of your surgery depends on your completion of the postoperative instructions described below.

What to Expect After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery:

Bleeding: It is normal to have some bloody discharge for the first 3-5 days after sinus surgery, especially after you irrigate your sinuses. If steady bleeding occurs after surgery, tilt your head back slightly and breathe through your nose gently. You may dab your nose with tissue but avoid any nose blowing. If this does not stop the bleeding you may use Afrin spray. Several sprays will usually stop any bleeding. If Afrin fails to stop steady nasal bleeding then you should call our office or the on call doctor


From that description I conclude that Topical Application will Stop Bleeding (in the nose and 'presumably' other sites as well, such as the ear). To confirm, ASK a Doctor or Pharmacist.

There is a product called "Nick Relief" that is marketed to stop bleeds from shaving nicks. The active ingredient is Aluminum Sulfate.

I'm thinking there is a powder that dentists use to stop topical bleeding, probably using the same active ingredient.

'AL Capshaw'
I recall some Doctor telling me that some Nose Sprays (Vasoconstrictors, NOT dilators - edit) will work to stop ear bleeds. I think AFRIN is in that category. Note that continued use of Afrin can be addictive. Your Pharmacist may be able to give you more information.

Good idea Al....I use Afrin when I cut myself works....I have nicked/cut the inside of my ear while using a personal trimmer on ear hair (ChimpThang).....the ears, or at least mine seem to bleed and bleed and bleed....I hope it resolves itself soon.
INR level

INR level

I tested this morning and my inr is 6.3, scarry! I am going to hold my dose of 71/2mgs for tonight and resume the usual of dose and retest in 3 days. My inr has been alittle unstable like last week it was 2.3, the week prior it was 2.6, and the week prior that it was 2.7.
y stress level is high and the appetite is not great,I had pretty bad virus last week with severe vomiting. Hope this is an o.k plan?[/I]
maggiemae -

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I'll let some of the more experienced 'self-dosers' comment on your plan (it sounds reasonable to me).
Thanks everyone.

The bleeding in my ear is not on the surface of the inside of my ear, it is down inside altho probably not too far down. i am not able to see where the bleeding originates so i cannot apply anything to it.

The responses above prove once again to be helpful in related issues of being on coumadin, that being the general external and nose bleeding situations. that is the power of this website and forum.

I see my primary car physician again on Tuesday to see what he can see. The bleeding has been going on for about a week. I spoke with a family member who is also a family physician and he believes that is most likely a broken capillary that will stop bleading on its own. I hope so.

FYI, i have been using Debrox about every three hours and then putting a cotton ball in my ear to hold it in. Looks kind of funny with the cotton ball sticking out plus i cannot hear out of that ear. I am discontinuing putting the Debrox in for now as my family member doctor believes at this point the Debrox may not be helping the ultimate outcome to stop the bleeding.

I will let you know how this progresses. The funny thing is while this is inconvienent i am still happy to have my mechanical valve and be alive. It does show tho some of the challenges of being on coumadin as well as the need to constantly monitor your own health.

Mile High

p.s. -the altitude has no effect on anti coagulation. The air is very dry here tho so bloody noses are quite common among the whole population.