Blind in Left Eye

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Like for real:D A few weeks back I happen to cover my left eye when hubby was driving down road. Low and behold I could not read the signs. The words were broken I was telling my PCP about it today..and he suggested I get them checked out. I was lucky to walk into an eye doctor's office and he gave me the first degree checkup..I was so embarrassed when I could not read the letter chart with left eye..He checked behind eyeball, ect. and told me my eyes were healthy..My right eye had not changed in 5 years and my left eye is the pits.:D :D Of course I told him about my surgery..He uped the left eye lenses (I guess I will look like I'm a 100 years old.:D and said if it gets better later on he would decrease it. Lordy, I'm falling apart.I was all set to go on Peridonist cleaning and she went and got sick..(Dentist) so that's postponed. I'm typing with my eyes still dilated. With my luck they won't return to normal:D :D Bonnie
Bonnie you devil,

You know, I heard of an Old Texan who in later years had to start cracking coconuts instead of walnuts. His eyesight had diminished to the point that he needed a larger target.

You probably have been hanging out with that old boy too long.

Guess what he was using to crack those walnuts and coconuts.

Yo Bro
Bonny, should we just call you Mrs. Magoo from now on?

What about contact lenses? I have terrible eyesight and an astigmatism and I love my contacts. This is my first year with the 30 day disposable kind and they are so great compared to the kind that I had to disinfect every night. I can even sleep with these ones in. My glasses are like the bottoms of Coke bottles.
I am so sorry to hear about this change in your vision. In spite of your good humor, I know it is worrisome whenever there is a big change in one's ability to see. I got poked in the eye (accident) and had a big scratch across my cornea. For a few days things were pretty foggy, and I was NOT a happy camper. But, it all cleared up--and made me realize how precious good vision is.

I spent a bundle over a year ago on LASIK surgery which worked out great. The price keeps coming down, with really good results for everyone I know who has had it. Might be an option once your eye is completely stable if you don't want to mess with glasses (will still need readers, tho).

I hope it improves for you!
John - my little sister and her husband had that surgery last year at the same time. He had his done for far vision, while she had one eye for far and one for reading. He got along very well in hours after surgery, but she was miserable with the burning. Once she got over that, tho, she is very happy - no glasses at all. He has to use glasses for up close and for his work in computer stuff.
Laser surgery

Laser surgery

My son Wes, had his eyes done 10 years ago..Cost $3,000.00 The next day he said..look Mom, that tree has leaves LOL..Really, it was the best thing that happened to him. He is a Police Officer now for 13 years and can hit a target great..I can see a bird across the street (with right eye:D ) but NO way can look up a telephone Number in book. I thought the surgery was just for distance...Hopefully when I get my new glasses next Friday I can start reading again..My AVR is the ONLY thing I can think of that would have caused my left eye to go bad..Anyone else have had this problem?:confused: Describe it again as blurred and some letters broken:confused: Stumped the doctor too. But he said my eye was very healthy...:D :D One-eyed Jack:D
Mornin, Jack

One day I rubbed my eye and suddenly had floaters. Dont recall if this was before or just after heart surgery. One of the floaters was really big - I could see it in the mirror. It is still there, but not quite as big and when I went for eye exam, she held up her finger and the floater blocked it right out but not the rest of the picture. She said nothing can be done about floaters - surgery can be done but is very unsuccessful generally and dangerous to the eye, as well. Seems like if yours was a floater, tho the dr would have seen it immediately. Could one of your meds cause it. Some meds affect the eyes, but think it would be both of them. Thought about asking your card? God bless
Now Bonnie....if ya wanna be the resident gotta get your head togeher!!!!! LOL! Between your gums and your eyes...hmmm...I don't know girlfriend...(grin)

Ross...I'll fill in for Bonnie if she can't get her act together...LOLFOF!

Seriously Bonnie..good luck with all these problems!

Zipper *~*
PS..for Bill

PS..for Bill

I heard about that Texan, too. LOL!

Zip *~*
I started getting these also after my vavle doc said they are tiny clots breaking free from the valve and when it goes to the optic nerve it temporarily will cut of fthe signal to the brain for your vision...unitl the clot disolves...I also would get TIA's from this. I have since raised my coumadin dose (per the doc) and have not relyy had any.

By the way I am back! I had an absence cuz I changed my e-mail Saw the pics of the reunion...they look great!!

Well, hey there, David - Noticed that you are now a newbie????????!!!!!!!! With one post! Poor baby, you are just going to have to write a lot to catch back up.

Welcome home. God bless
Got new Specks

Got new Specks

What a difference..:D Just hope my left eye clears up some day..Bonnie