Bleeding to death

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We had another trauma surgeon speaking at our Wednesday Countinuing Education Conference today. So I had a chance to ask another seasoned expert whether he had ever seen someone die from a cut to the arm or leg even if they were taking warfarin. His answer was, "No"!!!

Still everyone in this field that I have asked has agreed that they have never seen this happen.

It seems that the "advice" to use only an electric razor is based on an urban legend.
Perhaps it's based on it, but by golly I have a sheet in my folder telling me it's a no no. :D If I listened to them, I'd be one wooly creature.
During my hospital stay my cardio went out of town so one of the others in his group came to see me, with nurse trailing 10 steps behind. She made a point of telling me that from now on, I have to consider everything I eat and drink & ask myself, "How will this affect my warfarin?"

Not bad advice. The most common answer, however, is that it won't.
I also had a nurse during one of my hospital stays tell me that I should never shave my legs or underarms with a regular razor because of my Coumadin. This was after I had been taking Coumadin for over 20 years and shaving the whole time! I waited until she got out of my room and made her way down the hall and then let go of the laughing that I had been trying to stifle.
And I never even had anyone tell me not to use a chain saw!!!:D

The only nod I've given to coumadin is I quit using an electric carving knife. But I'm taking my life in my hands (such a rebel) and getting a new one for Christmas. I'll be very careful, tho - nearly took off a thumb with one several years ago (ok - that's hyperbole; but it slipped and really came close to doing a lot of damage).
I wrote in my sons diary, which i made myself, that it would be best to use a electric shaver, use a blade with caution. He can make is own decition but no rush yet as he has only just turned 8.:eek:
I definitely bleed longer, with bigger and longer lasting (and uglier) scabs. Using an electric shaver is a matter of convenience for me. A blade would surely be less expensive. Norelco makes money on the replacement blades.
Worse cut ever..was years ago, when I bought a canned ham...Remember the thingy on the top of ham..that you used to hook up and peel the metal thingy that was on top?... Yikes was it sharp..:eek: Sliced my finger..I think that Spam may still have them..but Hubby refuses to eat Spam .Too much in Korean War.:p also, be careful if the plastic that holds milk breaks off. Tried to open it with a knife, years ago..another bad bleed.:eek: Now, I get Hubby to open the heavy plastic over any OTC drugs, like, I don't have to use a sharp knife.Bonnie
I never got much direction one way or the other regarding injury. My old cardio had a real smart-alecky streak in him (I miss him for that) and told me to try to avoid getting shot now that I was on Coumadin. Cracked me up.
allodwick said:
Not bad advice. The most common answer, however, is that it won't.
So I have found out :) What it does do, though, is make a person totally paranoid about a leaf of lettuce - til they come here or go to your website and find out how it is in the real world.

I've never tried shaving with a leaf of lettuce. Does sound dangerous though. Plus if you are hungry, you can eat it when you are done.

Mile High:)
hosacktom said:
Norelco makes money on the replacement blades.
Man isn't that the truth! I bought a set not terribly long ago and my kids keep using my shaver when I'm not looking even though I bought them their own, the heads are duller then dull now, so I'm back to blades. Blades cut their purty little faces, so they won't touch them with the exception of one. :mad: