On a quiet day indoors I have been poking through some old photos. On one of my last threads I had talked about getting a another camera lens. My wife, Barbara, happened to read some of your responses, and seconded the idea that I should shop for another lens. I think owe a special debt of thanks to Marguerite, and others who commented on that post. I am going to take my time, but am already shopping for a new lens.
As to poking through some old photos: There were some suggestions that I try some experiments with black and white photography. One of the nice things about digital photography is the ability to turn a previous color shot into a black and white image. I probably wouldn?t have tried this without your suggestions-but here is an example of an image that was a pretty average color photo-but, in my opinion, exceptional in black and white. This is a shoot I took in the Canadian Rockies. What do you think?
As to poking through some old photos: There were some suggestions that I try some experiments with black and white photography. One of the nice things about digital photography is the ability to turn a previous color shot into a black and white image. I probably wouldn?t have tried this without your suggestions-but here is an example of an image that was a pretty average color photo-but, in my opinion, exceptional in black and white. This is a shoot I took in the Canadian Rockies. What do you think?