Birthday wishes to Gadget, Tick Tock, inlaguana and raecee

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Today's birthdays almost got past . . . but I caught em!

Happy Birthday to you all ,and may you have MANY, MANY More!
Gadget has a birthday? Oh man....

Happy birthday to all of you fine people. Even you Danny. :D
Happy birthday to all.

Danny, are you going to dance naked in the pale moonlight to celebrate? If so, Cooker might join you.:eek: :D

I am hoisting a cold one to each of you - HIC.;) :D
Happy birthday yall.:) :) :) :) Bubba..age 60? no way...:D When I met you last June ..thought you were age 39:p Bonnie
Happy Birthday Gadget, TickTock, inlaguana, and raecee

Happy Birthday Gadget, TickTock, inlaguana, and raecee

Hope you all have had an awesome birthday, and many many more to come!! Harrybaby:D :D

Hope each of you had a WONDERFUL day :).

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"It goes so fast" ... Jodee Messina ... 'Was That My Life?'
Well thank y'all fo' th' fine wishes. ah's on over hyar at my dotters soakin' in th' yo'thful exuberances fum mah gran'kids. Told th' dotter it was th' only place ah c'd probably be thet SOMEBODY'd acshully wait on me han' an foot. So far been a mighty nice day. Ennyway, sar a birthday shirt at Spencer's Gif's other day thet said "Be nice t'yer chillun, they is th' ones thet pick yer Nursin' Home!!" so ah figgerd better stay on their fine side.


Me an' Cooker had a fine old time in th' pale moonlight (acshully TWO moons eff'n yo' git mah drif'):eek: . He done took up a noo hobby about gwine aroun' naked! Said it sho'nuff cuts down on th' cost of clo'es, but them metal chairs is mighty uncomfy.:p :p Kepp a lookin' fo' Ross but he nevah showed, cuss it all. :mad:


Hells Bells!! Whut in tarnation evah gave yo' th' idea thet ah was 60??? At 39 ah started countin' backwards so ah's startin' t'retch mah teens!! ;) Ain't life great.

Thanks agin an',

May God Bless,

Bubba (aka, gadget, hey you, Danny, what's his name, etc) :)

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