Been "gone" awhile... Time to catch up!

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Well, I haven't been on VR for about a month... Nothing much going on, heart-wise, for me, which is probably why I haven't been on so much (that and being busy with the end of the school year/start of summer). I tried to go through the million messages I missed, but I know I'm completely out of the loop.

What's this about Nancy having surgery?! :eek:

Nicole, I'm so glad to see you made it through surgery! I wish I could have been close by to help you out. You're right, no one should go through this alone.

I didn't get to see some of your pictures from the past, because you took them off already. Those of you who still have yours up, I love 'em! Unfortunately, I have nothing to post. No scanner, and all my old pics are at my mothers... Maybe when I go down in a few weeks. :)

Okay, I really have very little idea of what is going on with everyone else. Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things (though I'm going out of town next week, so I'll get lost again...).

As for me, I'm still fighting headaches. It's SO frustrating. I've tried changing my BCP and that hasn't worked. I have a gyno appt. on Monday and I'm thinking about asking her if I can get off BCP altogether and just keep an eye out for any cysts. I SO don't want a repeat of last year (with the burst cyst that resulted in MAJOR bleeding and a transfusion of 4 units of blood and 2 units of plasma), but I can't keep going with these awful headaches EVERY day. Of course, then DH and I will need to come up with another way of preventing pregnancy, but that shouldn't be too big a deal. He's offered to be snipped, but I don't want him to do that just yet.

Anyway, I just wanted to get back on and say "hey" to everyone. Feel free to catch me up on things! :)
Woman you must have received my telepathic waves. I've been looking at your name in my address book for a couple of days now. Been tempted to release the hounds on you. Very glad to see you keeping in touch! :)
Glad you came to check in. Life can get busy at time...all the time? Sorry to hear you are still fighting the headache issue.
*waves hands in air*

I missed you, too, Niki :). I'm sorry you are still fighting headaches...those can be a ...well, you know. BTW, have you tried taking Magnesium? That seems to help headaches somewhat.....


Heck, I've been gone a week...and I feel overwhelmed....I can't imagine trying to get caught up after a month

Cort, "Mr Road Trip"/"The Uniter", 30swm w/pig valve & pacemaker
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB, Batavia IL
"Mr MC"'s Family...& train & models =
K's BL =
Spotting MCs =
MC's Future =
What's worse is, I was gone (on vacation) for a week, so now I'm even MORE behind. I don't know if I'll ever catch up!... Guess all I can do is try.

Good to "see" you, Cort!
LOL! Yeppers...trying is good ;).

And, good to "see" you, too, Niki!
I have also been out for a couple of weeks and now can't figure out how to post a new thread.
Sorry about your headaches. I rarely get them anymore, just neck and back for me.
Remember when I posted about my experience at Kaiser with a cardiologist?
He said my left chamber was very enlarged, I would look forward to a-fib regulated only by meds, even if I had my mitral replaced now my heart would not ever go back? I was in tears leaving that appt.
Well.. I now have Blue cross again and went back to my original cardio, who ordered another echo, and had it today. The tech told me my heart was not enlarged, the chamber was still normal size and I am greatly at ease.
Thank God I no longer have Kaiser, it was scary and very upsetting to me.
What was that doc thinking? And he was an expert at reading echos????
I am also having my first stress echo next week, hopefully all will show okay with that too.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, Gail, that things continue to look better than you had been told. I hate when you get all worked up and the doctors end up being the idiots...