Been Busy

Valve Replacement Forums

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Soory that it has been awhile since I have posted. First, A month ago, a cousin of mine had bypass, four clogged arteries and an annysium, and she is recovering very well. Then been sick with sinuses and busy at work and trying to get back to walking. So I am sorry to have not been here lately. But I seen we have new people and everyone else is doing just fine. It has been cool in the midwest. So I have to be good and get busy again to lose more weight. I have been having INR problems all summer, up and down. I hope to have a good reading this week. Been going every two weeks. Need a break. This week, i get stuck twice with the evil needle, first for diabetes checkup tommorow and tuesday for INR. I will be back later this week, perhaps Friday, to let you all know how things go. I will be glad when the heat gets here, if it gets here. I was depending on it to help me diet, not to eat very much, but will talk to doctor this week about diet. I will update later this week. Take care and have a great week. And my cousin starts rehab this week.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve