Because I don't want you to think I'm a Troll

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
As promised, here is a picture of the infamous Dr. Denton Cooley & I in the examining room at St. Luke's Houston Heart Center, taken yesterday while consulting with him.

View attachment 6981

Because he still is so dashing & so active for his age, I asked him what he attributed his good health to & he remarked, "well, I stay away from doctors & slapped his knee in laughter!" :p

And, I did find out that my cardiologist back home has been a bit untruthful to me & I'm not sure what I'm going to do because if I upset him or confront him about this, I may have to look for another cardiologist & start all over again with someone new! :(

I asked Dr. Cooley if the doors had been closed to surgery as my cardio here has told me, & he said, "no, you're still a candidate for surgery, however, considering the way you feel & your mitral valve is still functioning pretty good, I just don't see putting you thru the trama of a significantly high risk OHS at the moment". "So go home & get on with the business of living", were Dr. Cooley's exact words!

I brought back a copy of the Echo with me to give to my cardio but I'm kind of hurt at him & don't even want to call to make an appointment just yet!
My question is "why" did my cardio say these things to me & can I continue going to someone that will lie to me like this??
Norma, you look wonderful.

Im about to change my cardiologist as well. Frustrating, but hopefully worth it.

Have a safe trip home. (((HUGS)))) x
I'd just be open and honest about it. If he can't handle the relationship, then he's not worth having anyhow. These guys do not own us, they work for us.

By the way, nice photoshopped pic. :D
Norma, how wonderful you are right Dr Cooley is quite the dashing gentleman!...Sounds like he had good news and much more positive than your likely to be replaced Cardio...
I think you have to remember that the door being opened just a little bit for a 4th surgery, comes from Dr. Cooley, who is one of the premier heart surgeons in the country.

And he also said that having surgery for you would be a significant risk.

Keeping everything in perspective, there really isn't much difference between what both doctors said. Dr. Cooley is not wanting you to immediately don a hospital gown and jump on the surgery table, he is using a risk to benefit ratio, and said it would be very risky.

Joe was in your position.

But he had a slightly different scenario.

His really excellent cardiologist said that a 4th surgery for him would be extremely risky, and that he didn't want to say "never", but it was pretty close to that, and that it would have to be a life-saving situation.

His heart surgeon, who knew Joe very, very well said that Joe wouldn't make it off the table.

So I think it is good news that Dr. Cooley saw possibilities, but for some time in the future should things get worse.

BTW, Joe had his 3rd surgery over the objections of his then cardiologist (who he changed later).

It sounds like a positive appt., considering everything.
Nice photo and sounds like this was definitely a worthwhile visit to say the least! I would agree to bring this up the cardio. This is important information that he should know about and be corrrected on.
I think you have to remember that the door being opened just a little bit for a 4th surgery, comes from Dr. Cooley, who is one of the premier heart surgeons in the country.

And he also said that having surgery for you would be a significant risk.

Keeping everything in perspective, there really isn't much difference between what both doctors said. Dr. Cooley is not wanting you to immediately don a hospital gown and jump on the surgery table, he is using a risk to benefit ratio, and said it would be very risky.
Joe was in your position.

But he had a slightly different scenario.

His really excellent cardiologist said that a 4th surgery for him would be extremely risky, and that he didn't want to say "never", but it was pretty close to that, and that it would have to be a life-saving situation.

His heart surgeon, who knew Joe very, very well said that Joe wouldn't make it off the table.

So I think it is good news that Dr. Cooley saw possibilities, but for some time in the future should things get worse.

BTW, Joe had his 3rd surgery over the objections of his then cardiologist (who he changed later).

It sounds like a positive appt., considering everything.

Thank you & you're right on the mark there Nancy! I truly believe that in his heart Dr. Cooley thinks the same thing, "that I wouldn't make it off the table" & it's better to leave things as they are ---- "let well enough alone" in other words!
Glad to see you back Norma!! :cool: You look great I could understand why the dr said just to keep on doing what your doing. You don't want to take any chances on a 4th surgery if your not in real need. I agree with the others on the dr wait until you go talk to him. You have been through the waiting and the appt take a few and relax, then go to him and be honest maybe theres an explanation for sending you to Houston and saying what he did. How could we possibly think your a troll!! ;) Did you get your shopping done? How was hubby with such great news?
Take care and will hear more later from you I hope.
WB, Norma! Hey, you and Cool Cooley make a nice couple....;)
I would mention to your cardio that the Great Cooley has had the final word. :)

Thanks Bina & I plan to do this!

And BTW, being able to get a picture with the Great One was even better than having to trade off some of my "meds[/I ]" for his autograph! :p
I think it sounds positive. I don't know what to tell your cardiologist. Will he received a letter from Dr. Cooley? If so, perhaps that's the opening you need to start the conversation with.
Guess you've been given the green light to make the October trip to New Orleans . . . . :)
Norma, I think Dr. Cooley may have agreed with what your Cardiologist said, but said it in a slightly different way. If you need surgery, he thinks it can be done, but doesn't want to do anything until absolutely necessary.

Board Members:
Unfortunately, Norma & I didn't get to meet during her brief trip to Houston, but I was able to snap this picture of her as she was getting ready to leave!
Norma, I think Dr. Cooley may have agreed with what your Cardiologist said, but said it in a slightly different way. If you need surgery, he thinks it can be done, but doesn't want to do anything until absolutely necessary.

Board Members:
Unfortunately, Norma & I didn't get to meet during her brief trip to Houston, but I was able to snap this picture of her as she was getting ready to leave!

Oh crud......busted again! :p :D
Norma, I completely agree. You don't have to be confrontational, but I would ask him why he saw your situation differently that Dr. Cooley. (One gives hope, one really doesn't and hope is good medicine) If it were me, I might be having 2nd thoughts anyway about continuing to see a doctor who says surgery is a no-go, when one of the premier cardios in the country says that not only am I (though high risk), I've got some time before it's even considered. I guess I would always be wondering if that doctor had a good grasp of my situation. I know you like the cardio. But it might be worth some reflection. And then be honest with him about your misgivings.

Great photo of both of you! Dr. Cooley is HAWT! How old is he?

I'm really glad you had a positive visit.
A lot of doctors like to tell you what they think is best for you. The best thing to do is to suggest to your cardiologist to make you aware of all options, and that you would like to hear everything.

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