Be careful what you wish for...

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Cris N

Happy to be here.
Supporting Member
Jun 24, 2005
Northern Wisconsin
Two priests died at the same time and met St. Peter at the pearly gates. St. Peter said, ?I?d like to get you guys processed now, but our computer is down. You?ll have to go back to earth for a week, but you can?t go back as your former selves so what?ll it be?? The first priest says, ?I?ve always wanted to be an eagle soaring above the Rocky Mountains.? ?So be it,? says St. Peter and off flies the first priest. The second priest mulls this over for a moment and asks, ?Will any of this ?count? toward my eternal life?? ?No. I told you the computer?s down so there?s no way we can keep track of what you?re doing.? ?In that case, says the second priest, ?I?ve always wanted to be a stud.? ?So be it,? says St. Peter and the second priest disappears.

A week goes by, the computer is fixed, and the Lord tells St. Peter to recall the two priests. ?Will you have any trouble locating them?? He asks. ?The first one should be easy,? says St. Peter. ?He?s somewhere over the Rockies flying with the eagles, but the second one could prove to be more difficult.? ?Why is that?? asks the Lord. ?He?s on a snow tire somewhere in North Dakota,? St. Peter replies.
My girlfriend wished to have a husband just like her father and she got one. After a while, as much as she was grateful that God granted her her wish, she was upset at herself that she was not specific in her wish that God to exclude the traits she did not like in her father, which her husband had them too!:D
Yeah, I always say that about Jet. I wanted an energetic, high drive, fast and self-confident retriever for agility. Be careful what you wish for! I Got it. B*I*T*C*H* in spades. I've had to learn to love her. Cuddly she's not. And DEMANDING, good grief.

On a good note, however, Jet had a good day at the fun match Saturday. Great contacts, she stayed with me (instead of flipping me off), and learned how to handle a really fast falling teeter totter. I hope to have some new avatars later this week when the show photos are available.