Be back in...???

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

I just wanted to check in quickly to let you know (although many of you who are on Facebook too know this) that I will be away from VR for a while. I have lots going on with work, personal issues, and my dad, who is in declining health. I'd like to say I'll be back in time to celebrate my valversary on June 16th with you all, but my time online is limited these days, and I'm not sure when I'll have more than a brief moment to reply to posts and post myself.

I'm sending my best wishes to all of you and hope to be around more soon!

I hope yo get some time to yourself soon. I hope the best to you & your family. Good luck & God Bless
Thank you for your replies, although none were really needed.

Actually, I have been thinking and I'm not sure I will be coming back at all to VR (long story), but I just need a breather so I can finally catch up with my life and take care of some least for a time.
Deb, you do what is right for you. Just know that you have friends here who care and will be here for you when you need them.