BAVD traits (that thumb thing)!

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Okay I have a stupid question - but after doing some surfing on the web and looking at the BAVD foundation site, marfans sites, etc. I am a bit freaked out.
I have always made fun of my husband since we met in high school for the fact that he can dislocate his thumbs. He can do this without even trying. It seems to be a natural occurance when he puts his hand out.
We have 4 children. Immediately when they were all born - I joked "Oh my gosh, they all have your thumb thing!"
Now - do I panic that they all have bavd? Do I rush out and have them echoed?
The cardiologist said Gary does not have Marfans - how would he really know - especially since he never even told us his aortic root was growing over the past 3 years and now at 5.6 he needs surgery asap?
I know the research is slim on this but I was wondering what you fellow BAVers believe in all of this.
Thank you,
Christine (who is relieved she cant do that funny thumb thing)!
Missed the thumb thing

Missed the thumb thing

Chrisandgary said:
Okay I have a stupid question - but after doing some surfing on the web and looking at the BAVD foundation site, marfans sites, etc. I am a bit freaked out.
I have always made fun of my husband since we met in high school for the fact that he can dislocate his thumbs. He can do this without even trying. It seems to be a natural occurance when he puts his hand out.
We have 4 children. Immediately when they were all born - I joked "Oh my gosh, they all have your thumb thing!"
Now - do I panic that they all have bavd? Do I rush out and have them echoed?
The cardiologist said Gary does not have Marfans - how would he really know - especially since he never even told us his aortic root was growing over the past 3 years and now at 5.6 he needs surgery asap?
I know the research is slim on this but I was wondering what you fellow BAVers believe in all of this.
Thank you,
Christine (who is relieved she cant do that funny thumb thing)!

The BAVD Foundation site freaked me out too. I was able with some reasoning to bring myself back to my usual neurotic state. :) I have or rather had a bicuspid valve along with the fun ascending aortic tissue problem but I don't believe I could dislocate my thumbs if my life depended on it. Just because you are diagnosed with BAVD doesn't mean you will also have the disorder with the aorta or any of the other anomalies associated with the genetic malfunction. A few people have shown up with almost all of the listed anomalies needing intervention and some live their entire lives with nothing more than a two leaf valve that functions just fine. Don't know why that is but you can be sure I plan to have monitoring for all possiblities in the future.

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