Barb's avr and repair is Tuesday, July 7, at CC

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Best wishes going out to you as you prepare to enter Cleveland Clinic today for testing and then surgery tomorrow. You've got a full plate scheduled, avr along with aneurysm repair, but Dr. Svensson is one of the best, so I'm confident all will go well.
We'll be waiting for an update.
God bless and Godspeed!
Prayers for a successful surgery and an uneventful recovery. You are in the hands of a great surgeon and a wonderful facility. Perhaps someone can post after surgery.
My prayers & thoughts are with you for your upcoming surgery tomorrow! I'm sure that you will be just fine & we will all be here to hear all about it when it's over!

We'll be waiting...........

More prayers coming your way....Dr. Svensson was my husband's surgeon. You are in excellent hands in an excellent facility. Best wishes..........
She'll be in good hands with Dr. Svensson. He did my surgery 4 weeks ago last Friday and I played golf last Friday! My prayer are with her for a sucessful surgery.