Bald Spot!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
I am 12 weeks post surgery and doing great! BUT tonight I pulled my very thick hair into pigtails (have to come up with a costume for a work thing tomorrow and thought I might be a little girl) and I have a big round bald spot on the back of my head! It is about the size of a half dollar!!! After surgery, I felt like my head was bruised on the back. It stayed sore a couple of weeks. I joked that I thought they dropped me. LOL It is right at the same spot! Do they ever shave a spot on your head for an electrode or something? Anyone else end up with a mysterious bald spot or a sore head following surgery? This is so strange!!!
Thanks in advance for the info!
Hum.. could it have been like a bed sore? I have been loosing hair since surgery, but just all over. I dont have any big bald spot. But if you got a bed sore, that would explain the pain, and maybe the reason for hair loss.

TammyM said:
I am 12 weeks post surgery and doing great! BUT tonight I pulled my very thick hair into pigtails (have to come up with a costume for a work thing tomorrow and thought I might be a little girl) and I have a big round bald spot on the back of my head! It is about the size of a half dollar!!! After surgery, I felt like my head was bruised on the back. It stayed sore a couple of weeks. I joked that I thought they dropped me. LOL It is right at the same spot! Do they ever shave a spot on your head for an electrode or something? Anyone else end up with a mysterious bald spot or a sore head following surgery? This is so strange!!!
Thanks in advance for the info!

I had exactly the same thing! :eek: I even asked the surgeon if they dropped me! After I thought about it though, I figured they wouldn't admit dropping me if they had.
The surgeon told me that it was a bedsore from my head laying on the table during surgery. I was on the table for a long time, something like 12 hours. I could feel it but it was hard to see without using two mirrors.
When I went to get a haircut about two months out, the barber asked what I did to my head to get a half-dollar size bald spot in the back just off center. I kept feeling it and telling my wife that I thought hair was growing back in. The other day my wife looked at it and said the hair has come back in except for a fine line (4 months out). I just got a haircut yesterday and I can't find the spot by feel anymore. I haven't checked with the mirrors to see if I can still see it.