Bad timing

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Jul 22, 2010
Harrisonburg, VA
I am scheduled to have an ablation on Oct. 26th that I have been impatiently waiting for for 6 months and now my gallbladder has decided it hates me! LOL It couldn't have come at a worse time considering after I have the ablation I will have to deal with this for 3 months as I am told I have to be on and anti-coagulant for a minimum of 3 months after the ablation. I have been feeling super super horrible every ever since a fib started back in March and especially poopy in the past few months because of the stomach issues that we didn't pinpoint until recently. Its tough, I'm 26, young and just wanting to get my life started. I was married but that ended badly a few years back after my first surgery and some mental health issues he had so it was like I had to start all over to get my life started again. And since it hasn't really happened. I had my second surgery back in Dec to replace my mitral valve. After that surgery things were great, I was ready to conquer the world, start my life finally with my serious boyfriend, get things on track, settle down, work on moving up further at work, get married and start a family. Then I got a-fib. This has crushed me in the past 10 months. Im very symptomatic. I have energy to work and even that is a struggle. I feel like I am standing still and its driving me insane. I just want to be healthy and enjoy everything life has to offer but I feel horrible 95% of the time(thankfully realizing its my gallbladder now too not just the heart). I have a very physical, stressful at times job which takes alot out of me but I cant go elsewhere due to finances and insurance. Ive been told with my heart history and left atria size this ablation has about a 50/50 shot of working. We have tried meds, none have worked. Im so disheartened to think this may be my life. How do you guys that suffer from you heart issues chronically deal with it? Im doing my best to cope, Ive never been one to let things defeat me but that's how I'm beginning to feel.
Tara, I can very much relate to where you are. I've had a little more more time between mine, but have travelled a lot of the same paths as you. Someone else had posted about gall bladders going bad after all we've been through, I wonder if there is any truth to that. If you don't mind me asking, where are you having your ablation done? The more experience the center has, the better chance you have at it being successful. Have they tried to convert you and put you on meds in the meantime? I guess they can't push your ablation back two weeks and go on and take your gallbladder out, can they? I just had mine removed at the end of August and it really was a very easy surgery. I was up and about the next day and was driving the day after that. I feel so much better. Then they could put you on coumadin, no problem.

I know it can seem a bit overwhelming, but keep your head up, it will get better, I promise. If you have any questions about the ablation (I had 2 last year) or about the gallbladder surgery, just let me know.

I am having my ablation at the University of Virginia, the head of the Afib clinic Dr. Mangrum is the doc performing it, thus the 6 month wait, which is why I dont want to push it back because they wont be able to push it just a few weeks, he is super booked. I have been cardioverted twice, the first lasted a few days and the second was while they tried Tikosyn, which was a fail, I was back in afib a few mins after the shock. So the ablation is a last resort for me. I wish we had realized what was going on with my gallbladder within the last few months, but Im still in the midst of testing for it, although I am sure that's what it is. I feel so crappy from the afib I just dont want to wait anymore to have the ablation done. Im just hoping I can keep my gallbladder tame for the next 3 months cuz its making me misrable as well.
My friend has been sick for years and then had her gallbladder removed and it was as if she was reborn. She felt so much better even the day after that she cries tears of joy when she talks about her gallbladder removal.

I haven't been dealing with my heart problems very long, but I feel like my life has been put on hold. I go to a therapist and she always tells me I need to retrain my brain to think positively. I've always been negative and miserable. I have constant PVCs, one every third beat all day every day, I feel every one of them. I'm also dizzy almost all the time. I'm 28 and basically a shut in now. Rather than rationalizing these feelings of frustration I think it is best to learn to accept our lives. You also need to look at it in a different perspective. I spend all my time dwelling in my heart and it makes time go by slow and even though it's been three months it seems like a life time. One day you will not have a gall bladder causing you problems and you will get your a-fib under control one way or another. Then this will all be the past. Sometimes in our cases it is nice to think positive about the future rather than being in the present.

Good luck to you.