Bad Pain

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
Yesterday after I left volunteering in ICU at the hospital I began having some sharp pains (almost like a pulled muscle) under my left breast. Although I hadn't lifted anything or did anything unusual. I had broke out in a cold sweat while I was sitting at my desk several times during the day but didn't think much about it. I thought I was probably having a "power surge." LOL I started mowing the yard after I got home (riding mower) and started hurting so bad in the same area along with my left arm. I couldn't continue mowing. This is not sharp shooting pains but when I touch it around my left chest area or raise my arm a certain way it really hurts. My husband wanted to run me to ER but I just didn't feel like it was my heart although it's around that area. Has anyone got any ideas? I am going to call the doctor this morning (I'll get the nurse practioneer) but that's okay. He's really a sharp guy. Maybe he can tell me what's going on. I did take a pain pill last night and it help me sleep. It's been almost a year (June 2) since I had my AVR. This is the first time that this has happen although I still have a problem coming straight up out of a bed. It hurts around my sternum. Is this natural for this to continue hurting after a year?

Am I being over cautious and a worry wart or is something really going on??


I would go get it checked by the Dr. If it comes and go, maybe it is muscle related.
I agree that you should get it checked out. But, my daughter had some of the same symptoms(sp?) a few years ago and it turned out to be an infection in her breast bone. They thought it was her heart at first. Also, do you still have your gallbladder? I know several people who had gallbaladder attacks and it felt like a heart attack they said. I hope you feel better soon.

I get pulled muscles in that area all the time. That being said, since it is new for you, you should have it checked. There is no point in not being safe. If it turns out to be a pulled muscle, then you will know for future reference.

It has been 11 years since my last OHS & I still have pain if I move a certain way. Nothing major - just little annoyances but still there. I think your situation is normal and it will taper off to almost nothing in the next year or so.

Take care and let us know what the doc says.
Glenda said:
Yesterday after I left volunteering in ICU at the hospital I began having some sharp pains (almost like a pulled muscle) under my left breast. Although I hadn't lifted anything or did anything unusual. I had broke out in a cold sweat while I was sitting at my desk several times during the day but didn't think much about it. I thought I was probably having a "power surge." LOL I started mowing the yard after I got home (riding mower) and started hurting so bad in the same area along with my left arm. I couldn't continue mowing. This is not sharp shooting pains but when I touch it around my left chest area or raise my arm a certain way it really hurts. My husband wanted to run me to ER but I just didn't feel like it was my heart although it's around that area. Has anyone got any ideas? I am going to call the doctor this morning (I'll get the nurse practioneer) but that's okay. He's really a sharp guy. Maybe he can tell me what's going on. I did take a pain pill last night and it help me sleep. It's been almost a year (June 2) since I had my AVR. This is the first time that this has happen although I still have a problem coming straight up out of a bed. It hurts around my sternum. Is this natural for this to continue hurting after a year?

Am I being over cautious and a worry wart or is something really going on??

I just talked to the nurse and he said it really sounded like a pulled muscle or a touch of plursey (spelling?). The first thing he asked me if I had had a upper respiratory infection. I had a bad case of this a couple of weeks ago along with bronchitis. In fact I had to take two rounds of antibotic to get rid of it. I'm supposed to start an antiflamatory and if it doesn't let up in a couple of days to get myself to the doctor's office. He said it was so natural to have muscle pains around that area after open heart surgery. He said this can happen for years. Yeah! ! ! He said to just be aware if the pain changes. He is so nice and so helpful. I can always get through to him.

Terry, I don't have a gallbladder. I lost that a long time ago.

Thanks everyone for your answers and concerns. I hate to be a worry wart but my pain tolerance is so high that I have to be really hurting bad to do anything about it, but I do know that the heart is nothing to fool around with. I would much rather be safe than sorry.
Hi Glenda...

Hi Glenda...

Just wanted to let you know that your in my prayers and I am hoping your feeling better soon. Harrybaby :D :D :D
Glenda , same thing happened to me a few weeks dog (Spaz) not Solomon, had jerked her chain as I was untangling her... and yes it hurts for a while too, they called mine 'chest wall pain', hmpph! I call it :eek: OUCH!! Hope you feel better the pup

I don't like the sound of it. Cold sweats, pain in the area you specified ... that's EXACTLY what kind of symptoms women need to look out for.

The pain could be related to a zillion things, most of which aren't cardiovascular. But given your history, etc. please ask for some tests to rule out an acute coronary syndrome. No one will think you're overreacting.

Please update us.

With love,
Twin sister

Twin sister

Farm girlfriend.. :D Stay off the mower.... I have to pull a lever, ect. to raise and lower the blades..and turning the wheel :eek: Been there..done that... :p Yes, you can still have pain from 1 post-op out...(Year). Lucky, never had any in my sternum area...but arms and shoulders...for the first year.....Take care and get it checked out before the Hoilday weekend. Bonnie


Keep in mind it is a long Holiday weekend..Would the doctors office be open on Monday? Do you have any pain meds on hand?..I worry..Bonnie
Marty said:
Herpes zoster (shingles) can start like this.

You're right; the pain she describes sounds similar, but I pray that it's not shingles. I have been at its mercy every May since 1998, and I know I'm in for a world of hurt if it resurfaces during my replacement surgery.

Glenda, if you break out with a small bite/pimple looking place , go to the doctor and make them take a look. There's medicine to help shingles, but it has to be started early to be effective.
Bonnie, my sweet twin. Yes I have some pain medicine and it seems to be working for now. I can't quit mowing because we have so much that needs mowed. I will try not to use my left arm as much. I have felt so much better this afternoon. I have took it easy all day today. The only thing I am going to do this evening is water my flowers.

Mary, I've had the shingles. They are awful. They almost went completely around my waist. I still have scars from them. Do shingles always show up on the outside? Can they break out on the inside too? I do get fever blisters all the time when my sytem gets out of wack or I run the slightest fever. In fact I'm just getting over having a couple on my lower lip. If I catch them in time I have some really strong medicine that works really well but these came up overnight.
Like Kim, your reporting of the sweats really bothers me. If you get them again, I would get it checked out immediately. Better to appear the silly goose than the cooked turkey.
It's good to get these things checked out. There have been some excellent suggestions made here as to causes. We worry about you, Glenda, tough as you are.

My personal bet is entirely on pain from your intercostal area, meaning the nerves and muscles between your ribs. Not necessarily costochiondritis, but a pulled muscle or enraged nerve between the ribs. There are also small muscles inside the ribs, and if you pull one of those, you'll swear you're having a heart attack. And that can linger for days, like any other pulled muscle.

I had one attack from my intercostals, about five or six weeks after surgery, which left me unable to move, or even take more than a half breath for about twenty minutes.

I hope it turns out to be simply muscular, Glenda, and moves on shortly. You're in my thoughts and my heart.

Very best wishes,
Something funny!

Something funny!

First of all, I want to say that I'm very relieved that it turned out to be nothing serious, Glenda! I remember one occasion a couple of months after my first OHS: I felt a very sharp pain in my chest and I just couldn't take a deep breath at all. My mum then called my cardio's house who got quite worried and said she was on her way. When she got to my house and started examining me, she looked at us and said: "Do you know what's wrong with her? It's just wind"! LOL!! So, if you get one of those pains, mention that possibility when you phone your cardio! LOL!!
Débora :D
Fever blisters are also Herpes (Herpes I). I used to have them all the time and they eventually just quit (age maybe?)

The sweating is a question unanswered. Watch out for a few days if you aren't going to dr.
Glenda said:
Mary, I've had the shingles. They are awful. They almost went completely around my waist. I still have scars from them. Do shingles always show up on the outside? Can they break out on the inside too? I do get fever blisters all the time when my sytem gets out of wack or I run the slightest fever. In fact I'm just getting over having a couple on my lower lip. If I catch them in time I have some really strong medicine that works really well but these came up overnight.
I get fever blisters a lot. Never had chicken pox, so I haven't dealt with shingles.
My PCP gave me a scrip for 100 caps of acyclovir (Zovirax, I think), an anti-viral drug. Put "use as directed" and explained that I am to 4 when I feel a fever blister coming on, then another 4 about 4-6 hours later. Says it works for him. The capsules were extremely cheap. Haven't had to use them yet (fingers crossed).
I've never had a fever blister, but I had a bad case of chicken pox as a child.
I'm concerned because my yearly shingles outbreak has always occurred from the last week of May to the second week of June. My VR is June 7. :eek:

I believe the sun triggers my episodes, but stress can do it too. I broke out one Christmas due to worrying about one of my sons (afraid he'd been in an accident).

I have purposely stayed out of the sun this year, and I'm hoping/praying that I will dodge an outbreak before I go in. I fully expect to have one after the surgery, and I need to mention it when I'm admitted. I always run a high fever, and the pain is incredible until the shingle emerges. Medication does shorten the episode. I'm trying to stay positive, but I'm dubious.