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As all know Im on disability, well cobra is VERY we only have me on cobra..hunting down a dr for John wasnt hard .. and it wasnt too expensive ..they go scale and Johns income is went early today.
Well several months ago John thought he was bit by a brown recluse spider(went under some homes repairing,spiders etc) , indingent in this area and leave a nasty sore, well it never would even begin to heal..and I had the dr look at it today.
Its a melanoma; cancer ..right on top of his head, about the size of a quarter, now John's mother died of bone the tender age of 54, so he is trying to not show how this shook him... Ive done some research and dr said it will have to be surgically removed, cant just freeze it off. Think of my John tonight please?
The dr is doing it in Janurary...
What a shame!

What a shame!

Hi again Yaps, I'm so sorry to hear that John's having to face this now I'm quite hopeul the doctor will be able to help him and Yes, I will be praying for him every night from now on.

You've Got My Prayers

You've Got My Prayers

You have certainly been through this...well you certainly have my prayers and best wishes....Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :(
If they're waiting for January, it sounds like they're not overly concerned, but I'll bet your husband doesn't feel that way.

Scary stuff. I wish him well with it.
Im going

Im going

to call tomorrow..I think I was in a shock of some sort, but I dont think his receptionist knew,he didnt speak to her and she scheduled him 3 mnths ,just when his meds need refills, so .I dont think she knew.I must be proactive in this as John is dxlexic and would never know the difference. Thankyou everyone ..this is yaps
I'm surprised they would wait that long, especially if it has been an open wound for a while now. Have they done a biopsy to determine if it is malignant or not? If you're worried I'd be inclined ask his doctor to see if they can remove it earlier, or maybe see someone else.

I'll be sending positive thoughts to you both....

Oh, I am so sorry about this. You MUST get push with the dr's receptionist and tell her the necessity of seeing the doctor TODAY! Squeaky wheel gets the worm. So be really, really squeaky. And keep us posted. We are thinking of John - and saying prayers for you both. Blessins
Yaps, I am so sorry John has melanoma. Do be pro-active on his behalf. January is just not acceptable. The sooner the better. Your family is back on my prayer list.


I would agree with checking to see if it can be done sooner. My father had a nasty sore behind his ear (we thought it was from his glasses rubbing, uh, no). It did not turn out to be malignant and I think it was different. A carcinoma, not a melanoma. At any rate he had the Mohs procedure (I think that's right). Basically they excise what they think they need, then they make you wait while they test the outer area. If they still see more, they bring you back in (all the same day) again and again until they have what they want off of you. At the same time (I think), they do any plastic/cosmetic surgery to aid in the healing and eventual look of the area. It was a long day, but he is fine now.

I wish the very best for your husband. Was he completely checked over otherwise?? My dermatologist said that often melanomas come in pairs (well, he obviously doesn't have two heads!!) like on both ankles, or both forearms. I hope they looked him over really well.

Keep us posted. Good luck.

Im not waiting, my huband derserves better

Im not waiting, my huband derserves better

They will not see him until Jan, Im not waiting ..I am just going to fork out the reg $, amount for his dr and have him look, I cant wait and John dosent deserve waiting that Yaps
You are right!

You are right!

Hi Yaps, I couldn't agree more! And if by any chance the doctor does find something more serious and it can be proved that he needs treatment right away, sue whoever was responsible for saying that he had to wait until January to be seen. Thanks for letting us know what you've decided to do and keep us posted.

i would go sooner to the doctor also. also i would not let a regular GP take it out but would ask for a referral to a dermatologist who routinely takes out those things. especially since it is on his head! get on it because with a specialist sometimes you wait a month anyway to even get an appt.I will be thinking of your husband also with good healthy "waves" heading your way.
I'm so glad you've decided to have it looked at sooner. It may end up costing a little more (..which is hard when one or both of you aren't working - I know!..) but what cost can you put on your health?

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well.

A : )
Yaps said:
They will not see him until Jan, Im not waiting ..I am just going to fork out the reg $, amount for his dr and have him look, I cant wait and John dosent deserve waiting that Yaps

Having just lost my mother to cancer, I can say unequivocably that you are doing the right thing in not waiting.