Hello again to the wonderful people here....
Been so calm and expecting nothing to change for a long time. (wishful thinking on our parts)
Friday at the Cardiologists they did the 3rd echo and the decision has been made that my husband (Bob 44yo MVR Spring/03) should have his surgery before the end of the year. We of course were rather shocked and are now trying to quickly make a number of decisions quickly. He is fighting it tooth and nail, because he feels so good right now. From what I have read here, I think this is a normal reaction for him for now.
I am again working on learning at a very high rate of speed, and trying to communicate all of this to him. He doesn't want to hear about all of this from me. He flip flops though. I went through and read to him some post surgery posts (both good and bad) trying to help him see that this is life changing, but from what has been shared survivable by both of us. Good to know what is coming. He isn't a big fan of reading, so I get to read to him. The tough part is ... I don't know what he needs to hear. So I am reading as much to him as I can and getting his comments. I will share his comments as I can. Am I being to accepting of all of this? He sees me as pushing him and pressuring him. Until Friday I would quietly read or do some research a little at a time. I did not expect the changes at all much less significant changes that are making the situation more urgent now and at such a busy time.
We leave on Monday for South Carolina to see our #4 child graduate from Marine Corps Recruit Training, and the next week our #2 child gets married. We are hoping that scheduling will be flexible enough that we can in fact do this and enjoy some form of Christmas. Ha ha just our luck? The good news is we will have all of our children at home week after this and can enjoy that. Funny kids... #2 wants us to wait until he is back from his Honeymoon. We laughed and told him it all depends on the surgeons and would have to take what we can to get what we want and need.
Been so calm and expecting nothing to change for a long time. (wishful thinking on our parts)
Friday at the Cardiologists they did the 3rd echo and the decision has been made that my husband (Bob 44yo MVR Spring/03) should have his surgery before the end of the year. We of course were rather shocked and are now trying to quickly make a number of decisions quickly. He is fighting it tooth and nail, because he feels so good right now. From what I have read here, I think this is a normal reaction for him for now.
I am again working on learning at a very high rate of speed, and trying to communicate all of this to him. He doesn't want to hear about all of this from me. He flip flops though. I went through and read to him some post surgery posts (both good and bad) trying to help him see that this is life changing, but from what has been shared survivable by both of us. Good to know what is coming. He isn't a big fan of reading, so I get to read to him. The tough part is ... I don't know what he needs to hear. So I am reading as much to him as I can and getting his comments. I will share his comments as I can. Am I being to accepting of all of this? He sees me as pushing him and pressuring him. Until Friday I would quietly read or do some research a little at a time. I did not expect the changes at all much less significant changes that are making the situation more urgent now and at such a busy time.
We leave on Monday for South Carolina to see our #4 child graduate from Marine Corps Recruit Training, and the next week our #2 child gets married. We are hoping that scheduling will be flexible enough that we can in fact do this and enjoy some form of Christmas. Ha ha just our luck? The good news is we will have all of our children at home week after this and can enjoy that. Funny kids... #2 wants us to wait until he is back from his Honeymoon. We laughed and told him it all depends on the surgeons and would have to take what we can to get what we want and need.