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I am a 64 yr old white male. April 21 I had a double bypass, replacement of aortic valve and a dacron graft to the aorta. I feel ok but I am having a hard time getting my energy and "wind" back. Is this normal? I am 6ft, 1in and weigh 195. At the time of surgery I weighed 10 pounds less. I am winding up cardiac rehab and have a job requiring a good bit of stair climbing.

Walter in Louisiana
Hello Walter,

Yes, recovery comes in 'stages' and can take a long time for the full surgical benefit to be realized. After my AVR (second OHS), I felt I had finally realized my full recovery potential 18 months post op.

Your weight gain *may* be a sign of fluid retention. You can check for fluid retention by pressing your shin bone just above your ankle. If the indentation does not fade after several seconds, you are probably retaining too much fluid. Talk with your Doctor (either PCP or Cardio) about this. Fluid retention can also lead to Shortness of Breath. Have you talked with your rehab nurse about this?

Are you on a NO or LOW Salt Diet?
Do you take a regular diuretic?
Hopefully your doctor can get you on a faster track to recovery. Let us know how it goes.

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Thanks so much for the info. Your 18 months to full recovery makes me feel a whole lot better. I am on a low salt diet and I take a diuretic. I wll discuss this with my cardiologist.

One more thing Walter...

Are you walking every day? That is the BEST way to build up your endurance and energy level, assuming there are no other 'complications'.

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I walk just about every day. I have a couple more days of cardiac rehab left. I mow my yard (just did that this morning). Also I work four nights a week as a guard in a bank. I usually work the graveyard shift which involves checking the building periodically after closure. I make myself climb the stairs as much as can. There are 10 floors, plus basement, mezzanine and penthouse. When I first went back I forced myself to climb from the basement to the penthouse. Thought I wasn't gonna make it. Decided that was too much and have cut back. Thanks again for the info.
