Back On Track

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Well i guess i am back on track for my valve replacements. I am scheduled for this upcoming Mondat the 19th. I got my carotid artery cleaned out and now onto my heart. Not looking forward to it but definatley looking forward to being healthy again. Anyway i am gonna relax, chill out and eat some crabs, lol. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30am so i will get a very early start to the day. Can't wait for it to be over. All engines full steam ahead, lol. Lets do it. Jed
Keep your chin up, shoulders back, head into the wind and eat all the crabs you want (....and some for me too!). I put you back on the calendar, so I hope I don't forget to wish you well before you go. I have a nasty habit of not looking at the calendar until it's too late. :)
So your surgery will be Monday, Jed? Good way to start your week! Enjoy the upcoming week-end!
Jed, I'm sure you will be glad to get this behind you. You and your family will be at the top of my prayer list. Please have someone post for you as soon as you are out of surgery because we tend to worry about our valve family. See on the other side of the mountain.
Hi Jed

I wish you the very best for your upcoming surgery....I'm Evelyn and I haven't been around very much because of my )&)^^%$^%$ computer. Anyway, I would just like you to know that you'll be on my prayer list, just as everyone else is on this site.

Good luck.

Good Luck!

Good Luck!


Best of luck! I grew up in Silver Spring (what area are you in?) so I could ask which hospital. But, since it's been 30 years, now :eek: , that I've called Oregon home, the only meaningful connection I can offer is ooooo those yummy soft shelled crabs!! When you get back from this journey, you should plan another one to the Great Northwest. Our Dungeness crab is equally delectable -- I know you'd love it!

I am still in waiting mode, so watching and listening to each of you who are experiencing things right now truly gets my attention!

I will be thinking of you Monday morning (though a few hours later!) and hoping for you and your family that all goes just beautifully.

Good luck, Jed!

God Speed.

God Speed.

Like Bonnie reminded us, you're starting off a busy week of valve replacements. You'll be the first of four members to be making the trek up that mountain in the upcoming days.
Good luck and God bless.
Jed, I have one pack of frozen whales left (largest-size softshells) from my last visit to the Chesapeake. I do love them, too. As the wife can't eat any shellfish, I have to wait to eat them until we're having catch-as-you-can some night.

And if those are hardshell blues you're eating, it's a great way to while away the hours without obsessing on what comes next.

We'll be thinking of you as you go through this. May your recovery be swift.

By the way, once your taste buds get back in shape, there's no limit on crab eating, as far as I know. Just remember to keep your feet up while you're crackin' and pickin'.

Best wishes,


Hi All,
Thanks so much for the support and love. I will be at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md. I feel so confidant in my surgeon and his staff. I am looking forward to this to be all over. Sometimes i say to myself "Is this really happing to me"? Well i guess it is, lol. Anyway thanks so much,
All done

All done

Well i'm home and done. Everything went pretty good. Had to stay a few extra days because my white blood cell count went up for some unknown reason. It wasn't as bad as i thought. The pain wasn't too bad unless i coughed. My head is still feeling a bit loopy at times but not too bad. Scar looks pretty ugly but not that bad i guess considering what happend in there. Anyway i gotta go. Thanks so much for your help and prayers,
Hi Jed

Hi Jed

Welcome just remember to nap, walk, nap..take pain meds and nap and walk again..Each day brings a little more relief..Take it easy..Maybe Ross can move this to the post-op thread. Bonnie
A little R&R

A little R&R

Hi Ya'll,
Well i am recouperating at my Dad's now. Trying not to drive each other crazy, lol. Everything is going along pretty well. My voice is still messed up but i think everyday its making small little advances. Also my visoin sometimes is strange. On my periphial(sp) it looks a bit fuzzy from time to time. Also if i go out in the sunlight one of my eyes will kinda go out. Feels like when you look into the sun and you go blind for a second. Hopefully in time that will go away too. I am sure it will. Anyway i just wanted to say hi and thank everyone. Thanks Jed
Glad to hear everything went well and you are home. Take Care .
Kathy H