Back in the E.R. again.

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2005
Well I just returned from another visit to the E.R. Last night after getting home from the cardiologist (they said all is okay) I was just relaxing on the couch when I suddenly gasped for air. Then It felt like I having trouble breathing. My heart rate at rest was 112 bpm and pounding like a mad dog I might add. I waited it out ALL night long and this morning had (for weeks now) more nausea and chest pain and just didnt feel right. I DID NOT want to go to the hospital (no insurace!!) but was told when I called the nurse hotline to get there ASAP! They did another ekg, a cat scan, (ekg man said branch blockage but doc says no prob?????????whats a branch blockage?) and found NOTHING. I spit right on the white blanket to show them it was brown but they arn't concerned. Panic attack. Thats the diagnosis. You spit up blood when you panic? I cant take any more of this insanity. Up down up down.....this is no disneyland ride for me. I was there for 4 hours and the total for todays visit....roughly 7 thousand. Yesterday the man giving me the electrocardiagram said "did you know your tricuspid valve leaks?" I was so full of questions for the doc that I forgot to mention that but I guess thats okay too and must just be panic. WHO WOULDNT PANIC WHEN NO ONE IS LISTENING. They all say the test show nothing so theres nothing wrong. Im so very frustrated to say the least. Im sorry Im always sniveling about things but I have NO ONE ELSE to get feedback from ANYWHERE but here it seems so please forgive me as Im not trying to be so self centered Im just scared as all heck and still dont have a single answer.
mitral valve replacement w/Maze procedure 6/24/05
St Jude Mechanical valve
Dr.Todd Chapman (my hero)
oops forgot this part

oops forgot this part

They did a cat scan because (this is kinda confusing) my blood was showing something in the700 range when it should be in the 200 range and at 1200 your having a clot. Not sure if that makes sense but if im 700 and not 200 and they did a cat scan then what is making it go to 700? Oh must be me and my panicky way. The end. ANy clue anyone???? Sorry I posted in two places as im not thinking too good today.
mitral valve replacement w/Maze procedure 6/24/05
St Jude Mechanical valve
Dr.Todd Chapman (my hero)

I am so sorry you are having these problems. You need to keep searching as coughing up blood is not something you can induce through a panic attack (at least I don't think you can).

If I had listened to one cardio in 1982 when I was having problems with my valve, I would be dead. I was having issues with my valve sticking and, before it was caught on an echo, one of the team of cardios I was seeing, told me to wear earplugs to bed so I wouldn't hear the heart beat change.:eek: :confused: :mad: He was confident this problem was all in my head. Needless to say, I refused to see him ever again. 3 months later I was in the hospital for emergency OHS.

I would say some of your symptoms could be related to a panic attack but, the inital breathing problem was not since you did not get scared until after the SOB. Sitting quietly on the couch does not induce a panic attack.

Keep on searching and good luck.
Did they fax all these tests to your Cardio?..he should have been informed...Not making light of the spit..but was it brown or red..I know coumadin will make your gums bleed...My gums bled right after my surgery..then I had to start a very long visits to both regular and Periodontist dentist to get my gums well.....I had been slack in the years before about regular cleanings......Maybe you need to try to see your Surgeon?If your Cardio is not helping...Wish I could be more help...Bonnie
imhayley said:
whats a branch blockage?

Down hyar it is when a possum gits stuck in th' tree!! Then yo' hafta send yer cousin up t'git it out! :eek: :eek: :D :D


You just can't seem to find anyone that will believe that you have a REAL problem. We believe you. Your MIND couldn't possibly be causing all the things that forced you into the ER. Unfortunately I can't offer advice on how to get thru to these sometimes "know it all" doctors. I hope and pray that you can find SOMEONE to listen and FIX you.

May God Bless,

This is a singing frog. It refuses to perform when the doctors are looking - assuming they're looking in the right way to begin with. Instead of getting them to deal with the issue, you wind up trying to prove you're not insane (an impossible task - the longer it takes to convince people, the worse you do at it).

Spitting blood is not a symptom of panic attack. Panic attack is a symptom of heart problems, apparently induced by moderate cardiac anoxia.

Two things occur to me. You may be having pulmonary problems, which could be overlooked because your heart is the center of attention. You could have experienced a pulmonary thrombosis. Despite its severity, it is a frequently-missed diagnosis, not out of line with your experiences. It tends to be a repetitive issue, and worsen as it goes along. How's your INR?

Barring that, I would still ask your cardio for a Holter monitor. It records you over 24 hours. An EKG only shows a point in time. You could be having ventricular issues that would make your heart hammer.

Not lovely thoughts to post, but some options, anyway.

Best wishes,
I'm sorry you are having so many problems, including the big problem that noone will listen to you.
Justin has Right bundle branch block, it's where one of the paths of the electric system is blocked, I believe usually they don't worry about it unless your heart rate is really low, then they give a pacemaker. Justin has had it show up since his 2nd surgery at 18 months from the way they had to rebuild his heart.
I don't know if you belong to heartcenteronline, but they usually have good descriptions. if you want the link, feel free to email me and I'll look it up,
I hope you start feeling better and I'm sorry you don't have insurance, I'm sure the stress of that doesn't help, Lyn
When you spit the brown matter was it after you coughed? I ask as before I had my surgery I was coughing up blood-streaked matter, and brown gunk. My breathing was also very bad. I was sent home to pack a bag and was admitted to hospital immediately to be sorted out as I was due for my angiogram less than a week later. Initially they tested for TB as there was 'consolidation' in my lungs. It turned out to be nothing more than fluid in my lungs and this was reduced with diurectics. The coughing caused the blood-tinged sputum, once the fluid in my lungs was reduced my breathing was better and the matter resolved iself.

I hope that all goes well for you, I can appreciate how worried you must be.
I like Mike Heims' bronchitis theory from the other thread. It's less dire than mine. I'd like to think that fluid in the lungs would have been picked up by someone in the ER, but maybe not. Have you been coughing enough to bring up blood?

I would see bundle branch block as more of a symptom than a causative item, in your case. Your heartbeat episode sounds more like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride than like a slowed, out-of-synch, blocked beat. Usually, BBB doesn't have that much of an effect unless the heart is enlarged and closing in on CHF. If yours were, they certainly would have caught that.

I'm concerned that you will let this just sit, and hope it will go away. However, I'm at a loss to suggest which conceited idiot to go to next.

Best wishes,
Wish I had an answer but no such luck. Wanted to let you know how much sympathy is coming your is truly awful when you know there is something wrong and the so called experts are sort of looking in another direction.

I just hope that you can find a doc who will listen and investigate a little bit more. The idea of a 24 hour holter is a really good one.

Perhaps you could ask a friendly nurse or tech or other medical person who they use as a cardio or to whom they would refer their mother/sister/etc. if they needed a cardio. Without insurance it is really a major problem and that undoubtedly causes you even more angst.

But it would cost less to see a cardio than use the ER (although the ER may have to eat the cost if you cannot cover the bill)

Keep on hanging in there.
Hi Hayley:

I'm very sorry you are going through this. I am fervently sending hugs as I type this! :( :) :( :)

I know very little about Bundle Branch Block--the way it was explained to me is that is a sort of misfire of the heart's electrical system and generally not of concern in an otherwise healthy heart. However, in the context of a recent AVR with Maze procedure BBB should not be taken lightly--there are several studies that indicate a "new and persistent BBB acquired after AVR is associated with an increased adverse event rate" (a PubMed search usuing "bundle branch block aortic valve replacement" turns up a handful--a link to a seemingly relevant one is below). For what it's worth, I think that since you've got a new echo, a new CT and a new EKG you should get copies of all and get them to your surgeon ASAP. Tell him you were told you have BBB and tell of your other symptoms, let him know you are very concerned and get in to see him pronto. In the meantime a Holter monitor should reveal how persistent your BBB is and whether you are having any other electrical problems, if you can inspire enough concern in your cardiologist to get one.
Real Nightmare

Real Nightmare

Hayley, It never ceases to amaze me how people dismiss the complaints of others! I see it all the time, but when it's one's health it is really outrageous!:mad: I wish I could help with your illness/symptoms! I really hope you can find someone to help soon. Brian
I would also call your cardio and ask then if you had the bundle block before your surgery, it could be one of those things that show up in ekgs but they don't mention it, if it isn'ta problem, Lyn
Sending you gentle ((((((((((CYBER-HUGZ)))))))))))....

I wish and hope someone will listen to your concerns seriously...

positive thoughts and prayers coming your way...
Not believed

Not believed

Just keep looking and poking at this problem. If you had never had a panic attack you wouldn't know what it was, but you have and this one sounds different.
The people in the ER see so many people and don't form relationships so it's easy for them to miss things. The suggestion to find a cardiologist is probably a good one. If this is "the singing frog" a cardiologist is probably the best one to find it. I had OHS 4 weeks ago today and am experiencing none of the problems you deserve.
Keep on looking. The answer is out there.:)
The fun never ends

The fun never ends

Thank you all so very much for your support, kind words, and advice. I went to see my psyciatrist yesterday after I got out of the E.R. and he so discouraged with the way things are going also. He is the one doctor who consistantly told me to investigate my heart issues 3 years ago when all the other Docs told me it was anxiety and I could have and would have died had I listened to them. He was the ONLY doctor who cared enough to help me through this.(oh and my pcp is awesome she was there for me too!!)
Any way my Doc says Im going to give my poor self a heart attack from the stress Im having over this whole thing. I guess a qualude would work. Hmmmm wont go there. im feeling a little better....took my new meds this morning....and will try to work today. I have to keep my mind busy since it tends to want to play the tape of this event over and over and the anger just builds and builds when the tape keeps playing. You all are so very inspirational to me. When I have it all together I promise I will stop making this all about me and help the others in the room with support. I try to stay positive but find it difficult lately so I didnt want to post any negative to someone who needs support. I see my pcp on the 16th and will talk with her about the halter moniter etc.. she seems to be able to get things going. Until then I dont know. Thanks again everyone....Ive NEVER come across such kindess in my life from total strangers who only want to help.

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