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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
Hi all, just wanted to let you all know that my daughter's cheer squad finished 8th in the nation!:) :) I'm so proud of her and thank you all for encouraging me to go along with her. It was an experience that I was thankful I didn't miss. Dallas is a beautiful city!! Now, I am less than 5 days from surgery. The trip did keep my mind off pre-surgery blahs, but now that I am back home, reality is once again settling in. I know that I shouldn't be scared or worried, but being through OHS once before, I know what to expect, and that might not be such a good thing. My cardiologist gave me adavan to help my nerves, but it doesn't affect me at all- about like taking a tylenol:rolleyes: Anyone else have a better suggestion for calming the nerves pre-surgery or am I just being a "wuss?" I am now going to be so busy taking down and putting away Christmas decorations, maybe that will help. I'm also worried about family support. They say one thing and then don't back up their words with actions. I'm just going to have to sit down with everyone during these next few days and let them know that they've got to pitch in and not expect so much out of me for the next few weeks. After all, I'm not "supermom!!" I also realize that I need some quiet meditation time during these next few days- I know that God will give me the assurance that I need, but I've just been too busy to ask Him for help. So, I will leave you for now and will let you know how things are going about mid-January. Please remember me in you thoughts and prayers. I love you all and thank you for listening to me go on and on. Happy New Year!!
So glad you were able to go on your trip and support your daughter and congratulations to her and her squad!! My daugher had surgery on 12/6 and the weekend before we went to State to compete for her school dance/pom squad and yes, it did keep our minds off the impending surgery for awhile so that was good! I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers and will pray for peace for you and also for your family to come through and help out maybe even before surgery;)
Wishing you a Happy New Year and a New Healthy Heart!

Congratulations on your daughter (and her team's) achievement. That is really great for them.

I just want to wish you the very best for the next several days until your surgery and, of course, that your surgeon's hands are guided to do brilliant work....that you have an uneventful and full recovery.

Please come back and let us know you are doing well as soon as you are able.

You will be in my thoughts.
Good wishes going your way

Good wishes going your way

I know your surgery will be a success. I hope your recovery is without complications. Good luck and you will be in my prayers.

From a former UCA instructor - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!


We wanted to go to Orlando for UCA, but the squad was unknowingly taught an illegal stunt that got us a 10 pt. deductable that gave us a 6.8, so we wound up in Dallas. It was a really wonderful experience for our girls. This was the first time that any school in our county had ever been that far. They came in 8th- (out of 14 medium varsity groups). But we were still proud of them. They had a blast and made some memories they'll always cherish. Thanks for asking!!:)

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