Back from CCF -- good news!

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2006
Hi All,
We are back with CCF with the good news we had been hoping for! The doc was very optimistic that Andrew will be able to hold on to his valve for a good 10-15 years (of course they add that little "maybe more, maybe less" blurb in!). Hooray! That is his prediction based on how he has progressed since birth. The dilation of the ascending aorta will continue to be monitored annually. CCF confirmed that his hole (VSD) is still open, and his mitral valve is mildly leaking, but they were not too concerned about it. We talked about a stress test to see how well he tolerates exercise, but the doc says it is best to hold off on those until the kids are older -- stress tests in 5 yr olds generally don't yield good/consistent results. He also suggested we have a work-up done by a pulmonologist to check for exercise-induced asthma, which could be contributing to his getting winded more easily. So hopefully we'll just be here hanging out in the waiting room until he's in the 20-ish yr/early adulthood range, give or take a few! I am anxious to watch what technologies develop over the next 10-15 years ... I am sure the docs will develop better and better ways to treat valve patients. It is still difficult to know that my son faces heart surgery in his future, but I guess I should try not to worry too much over something I can't change... rather I should spend my energy reading and keeping myself informed to make sure he gets the best possible care for the best possible outcome.
By the way, Yes, CCF did do all their own testing there as well as reviewing all his prior records and tapes.
Also, I took my 3 yr old along for a check as well and they told me he has a tri-leaflet bicuspid valve ... two leaflets are fused together at the bottom, but not entirely. SO he will be monitored periodically via echo to see if the leaflets become further fused or any other BAV-associated problems (stenosis or regurg) develop.
This is really good news.:)
Like Phyllis suggested, enjoy the week-end.
Ah heck, enjoy the next 15 years! ;)
This is NOT good news!!!

This is NOT good news!!!

This is WONDERFUL, SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALEDOCIOUS NEWS!!! :D (Didn't think I could spell that, did ya? ;) Besides, bet it's not in spell check!) I am so happy for y'all. May your years in the waiting room be many. Bet they are doing all the replacements by cath by least for those with "normal" anatomies and first-timers. Many hugs and thanks for the update. J.
Wonderful Wonderful News!!! Now You all enjoy the Holiday.. You certainly deserve it!
You are a wonderful mother!! You did everything right and it sounds like you have the best attitude possible toward you children. It is so great that you have been given encouraging news, and have such a solid head on your shoulders! Well done!!! Great job!!

I hope you will heed your own instincts and allow all of your lives to progress in the carefree way that a child's should!!

That is certainly great news! And we expect to all be around when he hits his 20's to hear what "simple" new choices he will have from all the new technology! :D

Now, relax and enjoy your weekend!!

Fantastic news! I am so happy for you. By all accounts, the technology is developing so fast that even a few years from now we could be looking at completely different ways to do valve replacement. Hope our guys can hang on until they develop more minimally invasive, long-durability options. Until then we'll keep on watching and learning! Andrew looks like a real super-sweetie! Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Wonderful news. Let's also hope their longevity projections are conservative!
Thanks, thanks & more thanks

Thanks, thanks & more thanks

A quick thanks to all of you who posted here to help us celebrate our good news!! Your support is so wonderful.

Janet, Francie & Marguerite -- you are right about technology in 10-15 years ... who knows what they will be able to do by then ... closed-heart AV replacements ... an awesome thought!

Janet you are a supercalifragilisticexpealadocious cheerleader! Thanks for all your kind & encouraging words, you have been such a help!

Francie -- yes, you are right ... he is a super-sweetie ... but don't let that sweet look fool ya! This boy is a LIVE WIRE, but boy oh boy do I love him! I hope both of our little men will be able to hold out for many years!

Thanks again to all of you.

what great news!
My hairdresser had a 32 wk premie last month--today she told me he has PFO as well as a VSD. They are not planning on surgery any time soon--he is still in the hospital and may come home in a month or so. They told her they want to "fatten him up" before they operate. He's just now at 4 pounds.(her due date was June 28)
I mentioned U of M's reputation but didn't even think of CCF when it came to Pedie hearts! Bad me, since I know first hand what they do with grown ups!
Is there any list like this for PFO/VSD parents? She's holding up well but was so appreciative of the chances to meet and talk to other parents whose kids had done well after surgery.
there are a few good CHD groups, if you email me I can give you some links also is a great place to find hospitals, ect they have a portrait gallery in the community section and you can read stories by chd/treatment ect. alot of the kids w/ pfo or vsds have other defects too, Justin has then along w/ his other chds, lyn
Jen I'm so happy you got such great news and you are right about how things will progress, Justin will need his next surgery in about 10 years and I'm hoping by then he will be able to get the conduit and pulm valve made from his own stem cells, so hopefully that would be his last surgery. they already are pretty close to them lyn
Geeze, I never even thought about the stem cell thing. Imagine that ... grow your own valve replacement! The imagination of today will be the reality of the future.


geebee said:
Great news. Hope things stay stable for a long time.
Not sure if this is where I reply...just finding my way around after joining a few days ago... all the best for the future and it is great news for you about your boy...cheers Elise


Realise now I replied to you but I am sure everyone will know what I mean... worked it out now (I think) Cheers Elise

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