Babies, Babies, Babies

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
I told Scottie on the Sun Chat that I would post a recent pic of my niece, Shelby. She had open-heart surgery to correct Tetralogy of Fallot last fall, and turned 1 year old in May.
As you can see by this picture, she's doing just great these days.
Sorry Ross, it always takes me a couple of tries to get a picture attached to these things! She's there now.

And here are a few more babies: My grandson, Alex and my niece Katie, who are both 18 months old and my nephew Tiegen, who makes the funniest faces in the world.


What beautiful children !...all of them ...I could just cuddle them ...thanks for the lovely pictures ...lovely to see that Shelby is doing so well
Take care ...see you at chat on Sunday night ..
I love em when they are small, but once they hit the terrible teens, get them away from me! :)
My granddaughter is my avatar for now. They are perilously cute.

Ross, is there any place you can think of we can post our "cuties" without chewing up the whole server?
They are all sooo cute. Must buy a scanner before my 2 new Grandchildren get here from Russia. Hopefully, by fall.....And then try to learn how to do it...or Ross will be ever sooooooooooooo mad at me when I send him pics every week to post for me. :D I mailed him a picture of Ann and I taken last week to post. I asked him to please cut the bottom of picture we were nekked. :D :D :D Hope he does. :p Bonnie
Dang, that's BIG. Whuddido, Ross?

(Giant Child since deleted.)

(Deleted Giant Child since replaced with Partial Giant Child)

(Giant Child Head since deleted)
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Oh, now Ross...I've got two awesome teenage boys (14/16). I think God was smiling on us when he blessed us with these two...other than the messy rooms and 100 empty glasses I find in the course of a day ;)

BTW, beautiful pics of all the grandchildren. It always amazes me to see children who have gone through OHS. Such resilience.
hensylee said:
it's hard to believe it's been a year since Alex's surgery. She looks beautiful and healthy. Bless her.

Thanks Ann, just one small clarification here. Shelby is the niece that had surgery (in the first post). Alex is my grandson, (who is now back as my avatar).
Tks, Jean - I knew after I posted that it was the fall (not a whole year) since her surgery - And she's Shelby not Alex. I am on daughter's computer and it's frightfully slow, there was a huge lightning storm brewing and I needed to be off so I didn't go back to correct. Shelby looks wonderful for having gone through this.
tobagotwo said:
Ross, is there any place you can think of we can post our "cuties" without chewing up the whole server?
The only place would be to upload them to your own webspace and link to them. Most ISP's allow at least 5 megabytes of personal space.
Granbonny said:
They are all sooo cute. Must buy a scanner before my 2 new Grandchildren get here from Russia. Hopefully, by fall.....And then try to learn how to do it...or Ross will be ever sooooooooooooo mad at me when I send him pics every week to post for me. :D I mailed him a picture of Ann and I taken last week to post. I asked him to please cut the bottom of picture we were nekked. :D :D :D Hope he does. :p Bonnie
Bon since John has a digital camera, why would you need a scanner? You could simply attach the digital images straight from the camera. Of course, you may need to resize them and perhaps make them jpegs, but hey. ;)
As proud as I am, I have deleted the pictures that I submitted of my granddaughters - privacy concerns. Started to think about it and decided that it was not worth chancing they might be picked up by a stranger and used on some nefarious website!- something to think about.