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Oct 6, 2016
Tucson, AZ USA
Hello all. I haven't posted in the past year +, I am scheduled for aortic valve replacement Tuesday the 19th. Being healthy and young I think (59 1/2)decided on the On-X valve, don't want repeat surgery in 15 or so years. Older siblings are 15+ years older than I, and are in good health. My mother had passed away way back due to AV issues. at age 63. Of the five siblings I drew the short stick so to speak, which is good for them I guess.

Thanks for allowing me here to read, it really has helped. I'll check in in about a week when I return home
By the time you read this you'll probably be out of surgery and on your way to many years of healthy recovery. BTW, you choice makes sense to me....I certainly would not look forward to heart surgery at 75 or 80........it's tuff enough when you're young.
Sorry for not checking in earlier, things went real well with the surgery. Was up and walking five hours after surgery (just a short 30 foot walk in ICU) I felt so much better even then. Surgery was on a Tuesday, and was home that Friday late afternoon. The docs were surprised on my recovery. I was concerned about hearing the ticking of the on-x valve, but don't hear a thing. The first two weeks slept in my recliner, but now back to the bed, but still awake every two hours, heard it gets better with time. Still tweaking warfarin to get blood work within range.
Or course the first week was the worse, the fatigue, unsteadiness, but getting better daily. I was off pain meds within 10 days except for occasional Tylenol
I'll check in again in a few days
By the way, my best day was when I got all the tubes, IV's removed. I was ganged up on and had everything out in ten minutes :)
Just the ending I like to see. The body, and heart especially, are truly amazing. Good to hear.