Aunt's being moved

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
My precious little aunt who just turned 77 that I have been spending so much time with in the hospital after lung surgery is being moved to a rehabilitation center about 45 minutes away. She has been on the ventilator for over two weeks and they put a feeding tube in this morning. It's awful to see her this way. I know down deep that she wouldn't want to live this way. Where is the quality of life here? She can't move, she can't talk. The only thing that she does is move her head a little for yes or no and then you really wonder if she understands what you're asking her. I wish they would just let her go. I pray that God will take her to her eternal home before long. Please remember her family in your prayers.
Hey Glenda,
I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. I don't think any of us would want to live that way, that is why it is so important to have a living will.
You and your aunt are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care

I had such awful times with breathing tubes after my surgeries that I panic just thinking about your aunt. I am so very sorry for you and your family to have to cope with this problem.

I will pray that God intervenes and either improves her enough to breathe on her own or calls her home soon.

Hugs & prayers to you.
Glenda, I am so sorry.........

Glenda, I am so sorry.........

to hear this. Y'all will definitely be added to our prayers. I'm sending big hugs, too. Janet
Glenda has she been trached yet? 2 weeks is a long time on the vent if they are using only the tube. It would be setting her up for infection if they don't trach her soon.
Mother had a living will, but the dr wanted to put in a feeding tube. My little sister and I guarded her round the clock to prevent it because Mother asked that she be given only pain meds if she was at the point of death. If we hadn't been there, it would have been inserted against her/our wishes. She contracted pneumonia and it is what took her away. I believe in dignity with death, if possible and don't make them stay longer than they want to. You are all in my prayers.

I'm so sorry your aunt is enduring this.
I will pray for peace to find your aunt, and stay with her, throughout the rest of her life.
Thanks everyone for the prayers.

Ross, yes they put a trach in last Friday and the feeding tube this Monday. She does have a living will but my uncle and her daughter went against her wishes. I had just talked to her about it the week before she had surgery and she did not want to be kept alive this way. I haven't been able to reach anyone since they moved her. I know the move itself will probably be very hard on her. Thank goodness they keep her knocked out with morphine. At least she's not in any pain.
It is always hard to have a living will and not discuss it with all of the family to let it be known of one's wishes. I will see about mine soon enough and have already informed family about my wishes anyway. Good luck on your Aunt's recovery. It does take time and energy to heal from any major surgery.
I'm sad to hear that your aunt's wishes were brushed aside. People don't realize how unintentionally selfish it is to take away a person's final choice when they are helpless to resist.

You can't blame people for wanting to hang on to their loved ones. I just wish people could realize how they may be hurting those they care about. I hope your aunt can transcend all this unrequested help and find her peace, if that is what she is destined for.

You and your family remain in my thoughts, Glenda.

Best wishes,

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