Michelle D,
Welcome to the forum and good on you (maybe), that you have a nice long lead time for set surgery date in August. Also thank you for mini profile, approximate age?
Mitral repair was one on two interventions done for me on surgical day, fixing Mitral was one, replacing aortic valve was the other.
Experiences vary slightly for all patients in recovery, breathing tube was not a big issue for me, cause I expected it waking up, but you will be so hammered on drugs for 1st 24 hours, that wakefullness will be short lived bouts and often breathing tube is removed in 1st 16-24 hours.
Day 2, step down from ICU was a little harder for me, about 18 hours post op to 40 hours, because by then you have been flat out on your back for more than a day, you will still have a number (various) of drainage tubes and IV, but the nurses in this ward were very attentive and will likely by this time 30-48 hours, try to get you out of bed, stand and sit...which is a wee bit scary, but turns out to be a very big relief
From day 3, removal of drainage tubes on for me, was really quite good, you will be coughing up some (lung restoration) and using a spyro to redimension your lungs and physio, will likely get you out of bed and walking with some assistance...follow physios recommendation as much as possible and get walking, this is the signal to the attending personnel, that release from hospital is coming and this should be your 1st objective to get home as soon as you are stabilized...recovery so much faster, once you get to familiar and quieter setting.
There are several threads on the many post ops, recovery and small ills vary, but generally most of us work through a recovery, that is for each one of us quite surprising considering we had OHS.
The forum and the membership you will find is very supportive and real and should be a real boon to you in support, read, share and ye shall be informed
all the best