Atrial Flutters Anyone?

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2008
Leesburg, VA
This morning during my cardiac rehab, the RN on call approached me while I was on the stationary bike with my chart. She told me that it appeared as though I was having atrial flutters while I was exercising and that she was going to send my EKGs to my cardiologist for his recommendation.

The nurse said that it could be nothing, just post-surgical swelling around the atrium or such.

Anyone else have this experience?

Mike..sorry to hear about the flutters. I have not yet had surgery so I cannot comment.
Just see it as a blessing you are at rehab and being watched. Did you feel the flutters or just learned about them from the nurse?

I feel perfectly fine. In fact, I feel as though I can exercise at a much more difficult level. No other symptoms.

I'll know more once I talk with my cardiologist. The nurse said that it's likely nothing to worry about since I'm not symptomatic and seem to be rehabbing with ease. Just the darn HR won't come down!!!


Thanks for your reassurance. It's funny how cavalier health care providers can be about things that seem major to you. Guess that's a comforting sign.


You're at about 8 weeks now, right? My resting HR was still in the mid to upper 70s at that point. At 4 months now, I'm usually in the 60s and occasionally dip into the upper 50s but still roughly 10bpm on the high side of normal. I never experienced any flutter but my HR quickened up into the 90s without exercise several times within the first 3-4 weeks. You able to wear your own HR monitor while you exercise? What kind of HR numbers are you running on and off the bike?
The flutter is, from what I am told, very normal after OHS. I too experience flutter from time to time. Unfortunately, my flutters do not always self-convert so I have had to be cardioverted twice since my surgery in September. Make sure your cardiologist is aware of the situation. He may reccomend that you see an Arrythmia Specialist (The are right near the hospital as a matter of fact) for a follow up.

You're at about 8 weeks now, right? My resting HR was still in the mid to upper 70s at that point. At 4 months now, I'm usually in the 60s and occasionally dip into the upper 50s but still roughly 10bpm on the high side of normal. I never experienced any flutter but my HR quickened up into the 90s without exercise several times within the first 3-4 weeks. You able to wear your own HR monitor while you exercise? What kind of HR numbers are you running on and off the bike?


I hit 9 weeks today, so your timing is perfect. My RHR is still in the mid 80s and may dip into the high 70s on occasion. Still much to high for me. I seem to get up into the 100s - 120s and stay there for what we would call "recovery" pace, which is where I was when I was training. The surgeon told me that it could take up to a full year for the RHR to get back down to normal. Potential A/Flutter of A/Fib could be a contributing factor, along with my anemia (get me another steak!). My cardio set my HR ceiling for rehab at 150, which is great. Still waiting to hear on next steps regarding A/Flutter from either Cardio ("we need to see you and do something") or the rehab nurses tomorrow ("it's nothing to worry about, but we'll keep an eye on it.").

Hope you're ready for some indoor training! :(

Vkernus -

Thank you very much. Always nice to meet another "local." Cardio is on notice, waiting to hear what he has to say. The rehab nurse on call, as fate would have it, was the same nurse that was attending when I was in the hospital following surgery. She's the only one who pointed out the A/Flutter, even though it seems to have been happening during the three weeks I have been in rehab. Either the others didn't think it warranted any concern, or they weren't paying attention.

I started to experience rhythm problems about 5 weeks post. I had bouts of both accelerated heart rate - from 65 to 170, while resting. The doctors assured me that was normal post surgery reaction. I wore a Holter device - sort of a portable ekg machine - to learn more about what was going on, and increased my beta blocker dosage.

For me the most interesting part is that as I sat around the house obsessing about my heart rate.the whole flutter business seemed to be getting worse and worse, with discussions about ablation etc. Long story short my gf and I had planned a trip and I decided to hell with things, loaded up the car and drove off into a snowstorm. I quit checking my pulse and quit thinking about my heart and swear I haven't had a recognizable flutter since. I am now ten weeks out, rocking the gym and feeling great.

Sounds like you and I are kindred spirits! I'm inclined to worry and be anxious about it. I'm more fearful of the blood thinners than an ablation.
