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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2005
Hurricane, West Virginia
Hey Everyone, My girls are on their way to my home and I am wrapping things up in my classroom. I had an emotional meeting with my dad (a good emotional) and I am just about ready to start winding down for a family night. My babies are driving me to Cleveland tomorrow. They will come back to WV and my sister will arrive on Tuesday morning early enough to be with me for my appt with Dr. Gosta Pettersson!
I have had one heck of a day today. One hurdle after another. One delay (major traffic jam) after another. I had to call my sister in PA in complete sobs (geez) to call my dad cause I couldn't get out of traffic to call. He was waiting at Olive Garden. I Couldn't locate his cell number. (All this is probably a blessing in disguise cause I don't think I have the ability to hold my emotions in check. Can you imagine the boo0hooing while others are trying to enjoy their meal?)My cell phone wore out today so in the middle of all this I had to buy a new one. I think I cussed at the Alltel rep and then later apologized during more tears. I CANNOT STAND ALL THESE EMOTIONS. I know I am hiding down in here somewhere but someone new is residing in my body right now! Too many hurdles for a worn out soul.
On the brighter side of things, Atlanta Pat and I are planning to find each other and share a nice meal together at an eatery at the Cleveland Clinic tomorrow afternoon since we will be arriving about the same time. How great is that? We are racing into surgery Wednesday. The way I look at it - we will both be winners!
I wanted to thank each and every one of you for making this unbelievable website what it is. I know for a fact I couldn't have made it without your comments, your encouragement, your knowledge. Your cyber hugs have meant the world to me! Truely!
Well, with peace and gratitude, I leave you to begin my climb across that infamous mountain! May I come back strong like the warriors all of you are!

You haven't lost yourself, you are merely in survival mode. I am sure you feel you are on a runaway train but just think of it as a faster way of getting to the other side of the mountain.

We are all waiting for you on this side and look forward to welcoming you.

Peace and Godspeed to you.

Please try and have someone post for you after surgery.


My best to you as well. Prayers are starting and hugs are on the way.

Take a deep breath. You are ready and you know it!

I'm so glad you are going to be able to get together with Pat. You will both have a lot of down time before surgery and you can help keep each others spirits up.

Will be waiting for those good reports on the other side of that mountain from both you and Pat.

You'll both be in my thoughts as you go through your transformation into valve surgery successes. We know much of what you feel and will go through in the next few days, and we'll be rooting for you.

Be well. We'll look forward to posts from you.

Best wishes,


Read your profile..You are a young age 50..I had my surgery at age 61.. 4 years ago last week..:) :) :) You and Atlanta Pat will be fine:) Now at the age of 65..Hard for my Grandkids to keep up with me.:p ...Ages..13..2 and 4....Just remember take it one day at a time when you come home. Don't overdo it..and you will feel your old self in a few months.:) :) Bonnie
From one Vols fan to another

From one Vols fan to another


I will be in prayer for you tonight and tomarrow at church I'll request prayer for both of you. I've got a verse that help me in times like yours:

28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28 (New International Version)

What this is saying is no matter what happens in life God has something good in store for you. You might not see it now but 1 day you will. I promise!!! One other thing remeber what you knees are for.

Last but not least!
Go Vols!!!!!!!!!!

Love in Christ,
Debbi and Pat,
We'll be thinking about both of you, and rooting you on!:)
God Bless and Godspeed.
To Debbi and Pat. I wish you every success on your journey! I'll be waiting patiently with pen and paper to take some last minute notes on how to do this the best way, since I'm sure you are both very prepared and will be back soon to report how well things went for you.

Best wishes! Marguerite
Prayers and blessings to both of you for a wonderful trip over the proverbial mountain...

I too will be taking notes as its nearly my turn too!

We are in your corner! Debbie you will need to describe the "southern gentleman thing" and her duty to Pat. Being a southern girl I am sure she will rise to the occasion.
No more kidding ... sometimes I can't help myself. You are in my thoughts and prayers. All of you with April dates have a special place in my heart.
please get someone to post ASAP post surgery. Suspense !@#$%!
Bless both of you guys up there in Cleveland. We'll be waiting on Thursday to hear how things went.
Close your eyes, make a wish, count to three...

Close your eyes, make a wish, count to three...

I think I'm ready.

My wife Patti and I got back from the CC a couple hours ago after spending the day there for pre-op tests and appointments. It appears I'm not their first valve surgery patient here after all; they've apparently practiced on a few people :)

I guess I'm serious about going through with this, as I just took off my wedding band to save having to remember (and maybe struggle with it) early tomorrow. Now I just can't forget to shower with this special nuclear soap before bed.

Patti just called from the grocery store asking what kind of ice cream I want tonight. Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, of course. I've decided nothing low-fat shall cross my taste buds between now and the surgery. I'm in no mood to be stingy on taste or calories. Not tonight.

Thanks to all for the good words and advice received since I found out I'd be going through this. Hard to know how much more difficult it'd have been if I'd never found, but I feel bad for those who've faced surgery without knowing about this forum.

We'll post as soon as possible after I come out of it.

Mitral valve repair
Dr. Nicholas Smedira/ Cleveland Clinic
April 5th
Enjoy it now, Pat. Even though my arteries were completely clear, they put all heart patients on a low-fat diet. As if the food weren't bad enough..!

If you already have an IV setup in your hand, you have my sympathies. I had to sponge-bath one-handed with that nasty stuff, too. One small consolation: you won't have to clean the bathroom. Get your moments when you can, I say...

Best wishes,
I am actually surprised they won't let you wear your wedding band. I was able to wear mine for the first 2 OHS (wasn't married for the third). They just taped over it to keep it clean.

In any case, enjoy your ice cream - sounds wonderful.

This is almost over - see you on the other side.


Glad to have been a practice round for you and I can assure you they get it right! :)

I did the same thing and had anything I wanted to eat before surgery. Have been SO good since then.

Did you get to meet up with Debbi?

Can't wait to hear your good news after this is over!

Pat and Fan

Pat and Fan

You got to try the French onion soup at CC's Deli on the far east end.

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