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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Omaha, Nebraska
Does anyone know if it's okay to break my atenolol pill in half and take 1/2 in the morning, 1/2 in the evening? I'm on 100mg a day (which I never batted an eye at, until my new cardiologist implied that was a high dose - I'm not on it for high blood pressure, but for the problems with my heart - I skip beats frequently when I don't take it). For some reason I thought my former cardiologist said splitting the dose in half like that would be okay.

Also, has anyone noticed nightmares with atenolol? I have some weird dreams (this past weekend especially!) and never even thought it would/could be related to medicine, but when I was doing some research, saw that nightmares could be a side effect of atenolol. Interesting!


Hi Kerri

I am on Atenolol as well and have been ever since my surgery in February. I take 50mg a day. I do not know if that is high or 100mg is high. I just did what the doc ordered and have never thought twice about it. I have never experienced any side effects from any of my medication, let alone nightmares. Hope this helps!

I take a total of 50 mg/day - 25 mg in the morning and 25 at night. I take it for bp and to slow heart rate. I asked my dr if I could drop one and he told me to check my blood pressure and if it was good, then try dropping it. I never did because my bp was sort of up at the time. I don't seem to have nightmares or even exceptional number of dreams.
Atenolol is certainly available in 25's, and probably in 50's. Ask your doctor through his staff. You shouldn't have to go back in to find out.

It so, then have your next prescription made out to twice as many 50's instead of the usual count of 100's. I'm on Atenolol and take 25 in the morning, and 25 at night myself.

Unless there's a reason he wants a big hit to start it off, there shouldn't be a problem with going 50-50, morning and night.

Best wishes,
Thanks everyone for your input! I'll call my cardio and ask her about changing the prescription. I just thought it might help with any sluggishness if I evened the dosage out a little bit. I guess I take it near bedtime, at least - maybe it helps me sleep more at night. :)

The nightmares I always attributed to stress or things going on in my life - and that may very well be what it is. But reading that in the side effects just made me wonder.

Thanks again!
My Cardio has me on 50 in the am and 50 in the pm. Can't tell you about nightmares cause I can't get to sleep long enough to have dreams. :mad:

I'm on 50mg in the AM and 50mg in the PM, along with 320mg of Diovan and 5mg of Norvasc. I'm 3 weeks post op (aortic resection) and I have not had nightmares. I'm tired often but that's probably attributed to the after-affects of the surgery. I don't know how long I'll be on this dosage.
Hi Kerri,

I am on 50 mg of Atenolol per day. I take mine in the morning per the doc's instructio ns. He said I need it most during the daytime hours when stress is more apt to effect my BP and heart rate.

I also take an extra one if I feel any A-fib or flutter coming on. It usually does the trick.


My husband takes 25mg of atenenol. Half in morning, half at night. Started doing this about two years ago, and it seems to help with that sluggishness.

He has HORRID nightmares.....most nights. Has night sweats as well. Sometimes changes his night clothing as many as three times....cuz he is drenched.

kerri73 said:
Does anyone know if it's okay to break my atenolol pill in half and take 1/2 in the morning, 1/2 in the evening? I'm on 100mg a day (which I never batted an eye at, until my new cardiologist implied that was a high dose - I'm not on it for high blood pressure, but for the problems with my heart - I skip beats frequently when I don't take it). For some reason I thought my former cardiologist said splitting the dose in half like that would be okay.

Atenolol peaks between 2-4 hrs, with a duration of about 24 hours. It is USUALLY given to patients once daily with the exception of acute MI patients, but there are always exceptions. You need to be aware of the fluctuations of your BP and heart rate early and late in the day as well, as that may be a major indicator of wether or not you may divide your dosage. As always, though, you absolutely MUST check with your physician before making a change like this to your medications. Your blood pressure and heart rate tend to be higher throughout the day, so you tend to need these peak effects earlier, not overnight while you are resting. Is it causing adverse effects (being on this high dose) that you are trying to combat by dividing the dose in two, like fatigue that wasn't there prior?

Good luck.

tobagotwo said:
Atenolol is certainly available in 25's, and probably in 50's. Ask your doctor through his staff. You shouldn't have to go back in to find out.

Yes, it's available in 25, 50, and 100 mg doses. And you should be able to get an answer to your question without another office visit!! :p
Hi. I recall being on 50 mg of atenolol since the early 90s. (is this possible? has it been around that long?) Yes, I had some really wierd dreams early on but all that went away long ago. I have from time to time asked about splitting this and my Hczt. med, but my PCP has been quite adamant that I should take it all in the morning.

At 4.8 cm aorta for 3 years.

When I was on Atenolol I used to split a 50mg pill in half and take twice daily. Once my dosage increased past 100mg they put me on Inderol and I just take one a day, much easier.
Other than the dreams, I don't have any adverse side effects that I know of. I can be very fatigued, but I can't say that has anything to do with the atenolol - it's probably either lack of sleep or probably the other issues going on with my heart. I do have night sweats lately, when my husband doesn't, but that could for be a number of reasons, I'm sure.

I guess the only reason I asked was a concern that I was getting too much at once, but if it evens out for the 24 hours, I should be okay.

Most of you tend to take it in the morning, though, and I in the evening - maybe I should switch to the mornings and see how that works? Before taking atenolol, my bp was around 120/80 and now it's around 90/70. It's just used as a preventative measure and to stop the palpitations.

Thanks again for everyone's input!
Kerri :)


While the lower dosage pills may be more convenient, it is usually less expensive to get the larger size and cut them. Costco's website has a convenient pharmacy link with prices for most drugs to allow price comparisons. In effect you can cut your drug costs in half or more by doing this.
Hi Kerri

Hi Kerri

I am still presurgery and take only 25 mg Atenolol in the evening and 80 mg Diovan in the morning. The Diovan was to bring down my BP from 140/80. (which it has done) The Atenolol, prescribed 9 months later, was specifically given to me for PVC's (palpitations) that in my opinion were completley out of control. My cardio said to take the Diovan in the morning and Atenolol at night. The constant palpitations have dissipated (stress and chocolate still bring them on :mad: ). The literature for the Atenolol did mention the possibility of "vivid dreams". Well, I'm loving the dreams!! They are so much fun!!! True, I do have a few nightmares mixed in, but for the most part, the dreams are wonderful journeys. And they are definitely more pronounced than I've ever experienced. That was what caused me to look over the literature!

I would definitely check with your doctor before you change anything. The literature also states in bold that stopping the medicine without specific instructions from your doctor can be quite dangerous. Altering the regimine could also cause unneccesary problems. They can certainly tell you why they are prescribing you this regimine and work with you on making life more comfortable.

Good luck! Sorry you're just having nightmares. Wish I could pass some of my amazing dreams onto you!!

:) Marguerite
fatigue, dreams

fatigue, dreams

kerri73 said:
Other than the dreams, I don't have any adverse side effects that I know of. I can be very fatigued, but I can't say that has anything to do with the atenolol...

...maybe I should switch to the mornings and see how that works? Before taking atenolol, my bp was around 120/80 and now it's around 90/70. It's just used as a preventative measure and to stop the palpitations.
Kerri :)
Your fatigue may be related to your BP being such a bit lower as well, you should adjust. Just dont overdo yourself. Did your doc tell you to take the pills at night or just "daily"? I would think am doses would fair better due to the peak time being 2-4 hours, even to target your palpitations, but thats only if he didnt specify taking it at bedtime or if your palpitations arent occuring more at night. Plus that might help with the dreams so your peak isnt while you are sleeping!!!
Hmm... doctors have never told me one way or another - to take the pill at night or in the am. The only time any advice was ever given was when my old dr. told me I could break them into 2 to see if that would help at all. I just tend to take my meds at night because that's when I remember them.

Here's another question... (here I go..)

Does the atenolol affect one's thyroid levels and/or vice versa? (taking synthroid) I thought I read somewhere that one might affect the other (or maybe it's the synthroid might cause palpatations?)
Synthroid vs. Atenolol

Synthroid vs. Atenolol

kerri73 said:
Hmm... doctors have never told me one way or another - to take the pill at night or in the am. The only time any advice was ever given was when my old dr. told me I could break them into 2 to see if that would help at all. I just tend to take my meds at night because that's when I remember them.

Here's another question... (here I go..)

Does the atenolol affect one's thyroid levels and/or vice versa? (taking synthroid) I thought I read somewhere that one might affect the other (or maybe it's the synthroid might cause palpatations?)

If they told you just daily, try the am, see if that helps with the dreams too!
As far as the synthroid, there is no contraindication listed under atenolol for taking synthroid, and atenolol should not interfere with thyroid lab values.
Palpitations IS a side effect of synthroid though. Synthroid raises your metabolic rate, so it raises everything going on in side of your body, in a way. Kind of speeds things up a little. So palpitations are actually a common side effect there. Just closely monitor the thyroid levels regularly and keep down to the lowest therapeutic dosage of it. Hope that helps some.
MBerge4527 said:

My husband takes 25mg of atenenol. Half in morning, half at night. Started doing this about two years ago, and it seems to help with that sluggishness.

He has HORRID nightmares.....most nights. Has night sweats as well. Sometimes changes his night clothing as many as three times....cuz he is drenched.

I too have night sweats and have to change my t-shirt 2-3x/night. I don't know what it is from as I'm on a few medicines and I'm just 3 weeks post op.