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Gorkemhazar Supporter
Supporting Member
Feb 10, 2024
United kingdom
After learning that I will have my second valve surgery in 2 to 4 years most probably, I started to read a lot not to miss anything critical. In 2002, I had mitral valve repair due to regurgitation. I had rheumatic fever when I was 11 and repair was done when I was 27 years old in Philadelphia.

Now I have mitral stenosis, valve area 1.5 cm2. Gradually decreasing since 2007. I dont know if reason is smaller ring that surgeon implemented or natural progress of rheumatic background or both. I have not severely but still calcified valve. I went through a lot of info as I did before my first surgery in 2002.
Some surgeons says there is no such a thing as moderate. So act before it gets severe( before symptoms, higher gradient and pulmonary hypertension starts) so you have much better results at the end they say. So even if Im asymptomatic, when valve area hits 1.1- 1.2cm2, I guess I will go for a surgery. Actually, it was exactly what I did since I got my repair when regurgitation was mod to severe before LV was irreversably dilated.

With regurgitation we know that mechanical valve fixes the issue unless problems like endocarditis occurs.
Does mechanical fixes also tge issue for MV stenosis for good? I usually come across with Aortic stenosis articles so I wanted to get valuable opinions from here.

Thank you
we know that mechanical valve fixes the issue unless problems like endocarditis occurs.
endocarditis of course is everyones problem ... even with your native valve.

Does mechanical fixes also tge issue for MV stenosis for good? I usually come across with Aortic stenosis articles so I wanted to get valuable opinions from here.
to the best of my knowledge, yes.

However it is not a magic panacea that prevents other issues emerging which may require reoperation. But as far as stenosis and calcification yes.

Actually its emerging that perhaps even being on warfarin therapy may reduce a number of other valve issues in the bioprosthesis choice ...