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I finished up the roll today taking a few quick shots of my son wearing my helmet out in a parking lot while we were waiting for my wife to come out of a building on the college campus (I now have my turnout gear and have been keeping it, in it's dufflebag, in the trunk.)

This shot was actually from last week Wednesday while I was participating in a department drill. Another firefighter took the photo for me before I and yet another guy went up in the tower engine to see the sunset...

Unfortunately, the photos I took of said sunset were mostly black, we were about 20 minutes late for it.

The only thing I don't have on my turnout gear (outside of extra stuff the interior firefighters get) is a helmet shield with the name of the department on it and my last name on the back of the coat (they're checking into getting that ordered for me.)

Now I need someone to take a good action shot of me fightin' a fire....

Well, more likely taking photos while other people fight the fire, or maybe standing over a hydrant with a wrench in my hand... :rolleyes:
Great picture, Harpoon! Looks like you're all set to go.
Just be careful!
And just 'cause I'm bored....

First photo is of the truck bay after moving all the engines outside so we could "wash the deck"... I and four other people scrubbed and rinsed the entire concrete pad, AFTER pulling up all the iron grates and cleaning out the drainage sleuce (for lack of a better term) and drains. You can see one of the drains in the foreground, running left to right.

Second photo is the front of the firehall with all the engines outside. Department has One tanker, the tower engine, three pumpers, three rescue trucks, a brush fire truck (can't see the older pumper, rescue truck, or brush truck because they're behind the newer engines) and we house one of the county air trucks used to refill SCBA (like "SCUBA", but not underwater) tanks at a fire scene.
Well I had some time to kill and I was passing by so I took a little time to stop and poke my head into the firehall...

Only the "paid guy" (we have 6 paid firefighters who take turns manning the hall, 24/7 365 days a year) was around and we got to just talkin' for a while. He asked if I could take a photo of him some time in front of one of the engines in his new turnout gear (we all got new gear remember) and I said sure...

Then I had him take a photo of me in mine of course. =)
You certainly look like your enjoying yourself and I know it's made you very proud. I once was on my way to being an EMT/A, but after witnessing a fatal accident involving friends, it sort of took the zest I had for it out. Hat's off to you Harpoon. It takes a special breed. :)
thanks for sharing

thanks for sharing

Lookin good, Harpoon. You're a great guy. Be careful out there.

:D Marguerite
Firemen, policemen, anyman in a uniform is such a handsome man! Ditto to everyone else, please, please be careful.

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