Arthritis Ointments/Remedies

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
I am having so much arthritic pain in my hands & fingers that some mornings it's absolutely unbearable, this morning being one of them. :(

I have an appt w/my PCP on the 11th of next month but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone knows of an ointment or rub that might help alleviate some of the pain & discomfort? I've tried Ben-Gay, Aspercreme(?), & other over-the-counter rubs but nothing seems to help. The thumb on my left hand is stiff, will not bend & when I do try to bend it or use it to grasp for something, the pain makes me yelp!

I have some pain killers (Ultracet) that I was given when I had my knee operation in 2004 but I only take it very seldom & only at night if absolutely necessary because of the after affects next day!

I'd appreciate your input. Thank you!
I have arthritis, but I keep it somewhat under control by using some alternative medicine fixes. First, go get the book "A Doctor's Proven New Home Cure For Arthritis". It was written by a DO many years ago, and offers some great diet ideas about arthritis. Also, go to and look at some of the products they have to fight arthritis. It might help to call them and let them recommend things. Lastly, I have begun to use apple cider vinegar in my battle. There are a lot of web sites that discuss how this can help, and you can buy it at any health food store. Good luck to you.
I have arthritis, but I keep it somewhat under control by using some alternative medicine fixes. First, go get the book "A Doctor's Proven New Home Cure For Arthritis". It was written by a DO many years ago, and offers some great diet ideas about arthritis. Also, go to and look at some of the products they have to fight arthritis. It might help to call them and let them recommend things. Lastly, I have begun to use apple cider vinegar in my battle. There are a lot of web sites that discuss how this can help, and you can buy it at any health food store. Good luck to you.

Thanks Tom --- I'm pretty desparate for something that will offer relief but I have to be so careful because I can't take or use anything that might interact w/my coumadin. I'll definitely check out this info!
Tylenol Arthritis doesn't help Norma?
I take it when the need arises and its safe with warfarin (so I've been told)
I have also been told by the doctor ...... as long as I don't spread it all over my body and to use it sparingly is A535. It may have brought my INR readings down - 3.1 to 2.8. I used it on my ankle a while back when I twisted it; and trust me I only used as much as I needed, it spreads very nicely.
Just a thought and I hope you find some relief soon.
Word to the wise, DO NOT use a capsaisin ointment on your hand. It will get everywhere you touch (like eyes, nose, etc.) and will burn like fire, even after the skin on your hand gets used to it. Just think jalapeno peppers.

If you use it elsewhere on the body (knee or toes) apply with a tissue or cotton ball to keep it off your hands. Or you'll be very sorry.
Word to the wise, DO NOT use a capsaisin ointment on your hand. It will get everywhere you touch (like eyes, nose, etc.) and will burn like fire, even after the skin on your hand gets used to it. Just think jalapeno peppers.

If you use it elsewhere on the body (knee or toes) apply with a tissue or cotton ball to keep it off your hands. Or you'll be very sorry.

Been there, done that.
Many years ago I was almost blinded when the tube decided to spew while I had it pointed in the direction of my eyes. Not good.
Have you tried glucosamine chondroitin?? Doesn't interfere w/warfarin either, but it takes a couple of weeks to work.

No Janie, I have tried that yet but I will definitely look into it. One of my friends told me she had heard that turmeric powder sprinkled on food might help alleviate the pain but I've never been fond of the taste of turmeric spice (Indian food) so I have not tried that either.

A while back, I had blood work done to see if perhaps I had rheumatoid arthritis because some of my fingers are kind of crooked but the report came up negative. I love shaking hands with people but it's gotten to the point that I cringe when someone reaches to shake my hands & I'm praying they don't squeeze too hard! :eek:

BTW, welcome back from your cruise & I'm waiting for the pictures!!!
Norma, I truly sympathize with you. I have had many joints injected with steroids to relieve some of the pain. Yesterday I had my ankle done. Ask your doctor about taking one of the NSAIDs such as Aleve. If you can tolerate them they can be very effective. I was on Aspirin for years and it work wonderfully well but it is too dangerous to take now that I'm on warfarin. For me it was my wonder drug and I really miss it.
No Janie, I have tried that yet but I will definitely look into it. One of my friends told me she had heard that turmeric powder sprinkled on food might help alleviate the pain but I've never been fond of the taste of turmeric spice (Indian food) so I have not tried that either.

A while back, I had blood work done to see if perhaps I had rheumatoid arthritis because some of my fingers are kind of crooked but the report came up negative. I love shaking hands with people but it's gotten to the point that I cringe when someone reaches to shake my hands & I'm praying they don't squeeze too hard! :eek:

BTW, welcome back from your cruise & I'm waiting for the pictures!!!

shaking hands: extend your LEFT hand; just put your hand IN their right hand, not like shaking, like holding hands. it throws them off guard, it works, they don't squeeze, the effect of friendship is the same.

daughter has been taking glucosomine/chondroitin and she stopped for a few days. said she felt the difference. I should try it. I have them; just have so many other big ones to take (i.e. fish oil caps) that I just hat them all. You might give it a try.

I have found that arthritis attacks (the bad ones) come and then they go - to another spot in your body, but they do ease off. this morning I got out of bed and just had to stand there til I could get going. We have great grands this week and Austin said "Nanny, are you ok?"
Thanks to all of you for your advise. I do plan to ask my PCP if I can take glucosomine/chondroitin.

And yes Ann, the pain is worse in the mornings; once the body warms up & gets going, the pain eases somewhat.

I just have to remember to be grateful for the things I'm still able to do & stop whinning!
If you and everyone else stops whining, how would everyone know that we care about them?
Besides I don't consider it whining.

Hi Norma,

Neither do I consider it whining!! Sorry you are having this problem. I am starting it too--never felt it before. I skipped my rehab today as I am very busy, and came to post the birth of a new grand nephew to me. My FIL is arriving in 2 hours from Fl.
I am glad you got some advice from all -- we all care.

Prayers and best wishes, Eva:)
As you guys are approaching winter it might be worth trying something to keep your hands extra warm...maybe some soft woollen gloves at night would help...or anything you have or can think of that would do the same job. I know I use a neoprene (wetsuit material) elbow thingy and that seems to help me.
I have taken NSAIDS with warfarin for a month or so at a time when it was really long as you are monitored regularly inr and such I dont see why you couldn't try the same for bad days/weeks. Its either Naproxen or Naprosyn that Al Lodwick said is the least dangerous one to use with Coumadin. You adjust your Coumadin to allow for the interaction with the was pretty easy really.
NSAIDS do not affect your INR. They work differently..the make the platelets slippery, so monitoring your INR will not help with the NSAIDS.
NSAIDS do not affect your INR. They work differently..the make the platelets slippery, so monitoring your INR will not help with the NSAIDS.

Do you mean like Asprin does?......then howcome I needed to reduce my warfarin by 0.5mg while I took the NSAID because my level went up ? levels and dose went right back to where they were previously when I stopped the NSAID...

now I am really curious...if I could safely take a NSAID with my warfarin and have no interaction I would do it in a heartbeat...what you report makes me think it is practically no different to adding asprin to our pill regime...perhaps you know of some articles you could refer me to so I/we can read all about this...